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iPF Noob
I have an iPad 2 64Gig wifi 3G for about 5 months. About a month ago we came from an overseas tour and I had downloaded on the tour about 2400 photos. I did a sync and backup sucsessfully. Now a month later, the backup stuck just after it begins. I can see it in the backup folder ( c drive/user/username/.........../roaming.../backup etc. There are files with long strings like etc ag1543j6789453. Then just after backup starts, there apear a file with its long string name and "upload" next to it. The size of the file is 0kb, so I cant see what program it is that stops the backup proses for 26 hours. No further progress is made. It drives me nuts. I cant bypass backup to sync my photos(that havent changed a lot after the tour) and my music. I'm on the edge to get rid of my iPad. Apple wont or unable to sort it out so that that program can by bypass and to finish backup. My Galaxy Tad works like a dream. Uploads deleats and changes stuff so easely. Apple, iTunes and iPad 2 suck!! Please help! Thanks in advance. Jo
Don't use backup to keep safe copies of your photots. Backing up and restoring through iTunes is an all or nothing. You can not just recover the photos.

Instead make a habit of copying you photos to the computer manualy. There are several easy ways to do this.

On a Windows PC, the iPad shows up as a USB drive, and you photos can be found in the DCIM folder. Programs that can import pictures from a camera should also work.

On an Mac you can use the Image Capture program. iPhoto and Aperture can also import, just like from a camera.

If you want a simple wireless way to copy photos to the computer, I find the Photo-Sync app wors well.

As for your backup problem, go into iTunes Preferences, the Devices tab, and delete the backup. The next time you sync the iPad it will create a new one. Be prepaired for it to take longer than usual.

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