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iPad sketching app or switch off touch screen


iPF Noob
I'm essentially looking for an app that will turn my iPad into a light table so i can put a piece of paper over the top and sketch the image underneath. A general way to disable the touch screen would work so I could sketch straight from a photo in the gallery but i don't think that is possible. Yes I am aware of the potential for damage so please no replies about that, it's first gen and probably time for a new model soon. If this sort of function is not available in any way then an app where I can digitally sketch over and image and just save what I have done myself and not the base picture would also be fantastic. This seems like a fairly simple ask but i can't find a straight up simple answer anywhere.
If there is paper on the touch screen then the touch screen won't register any touches.......so you should be fine......I just tried this with a piece of tissue!

The Archangel
Thanks but I tried with three different types of paper suitable for sketching, it registers and shifts or enlarges the photo underneath. Got so annoying that I stopped and signed up to a forum to ask for help :(
leetha said:
Thanks but I tried with three different types of paper suitable for sketching, it registers and shifts or enlarges the photo underneath. Got so annoying that I stopped and signed up to a forum to ask for help :(

Well I owe you an apology, I tried it again and with one finger the screen didn't register but with two it does.......I don't know a way to disable the touchscreen as that would kind of defeat the object of a tablet but hopefully there is an app that someone knows of that will do what you want.

The Archangel
I was going to recommend some full-figured cycling gloves I use in fall and early spring. I know them to work well for making all capacitive touch-screen useless. However, they cost about the same as the ones K3 linked and those look better (the ones I have have high-vis yellow/green on parts of them and thus are very loud, even inside). The thin ones shouldn't interfere too much with your tracing.
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