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iPad slow down


iPF Novice
Mar 23, 2011
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so I’ve noticed a pretty significant slow down lately. I’ve deleted unnecessary apps but I still keep getting so many updates from Apple and I’ve had this device like 4 years now. If I do a factory reset will it help at all?
If you perform a Restore via iTunes, it might help. I did that with my spare, aging iPad 2 and it definitely speeded things up.
so I’ve noticed a pretty significant slow down lately. I’ve deleted unnecessary apps but I still keep getting so many updates from Apple and I’ve had this device like 4 years now. If I do a factory reset will it help at all?

Hello - assume you have the first iPad Air (I have the Air 2)? Some other questions: 1) Have you done a Reset w/ both buttons; 2) What iOS is installed; 3) How much storage do you have in GB and what is free; and 4) What does 'significant slow down' mean, i.e. for an app or multiple ones, on the web, and/or other? Answers to these questions may be useful. Dave :)
iOS 11 pretty well crippled my iPad Air.

I have an original Air, 16 Gig with 2.5 Gig free... And an iPad Pro 9.7. Prior to iOS 11 both devices performed roughly the same. The Pro was a bit faster, but not by much.

When iOS11 came out, I installed it on the Air first to check out the new OS and get used to it before I put it on my Pro.

The upgrade wasn't an upgrade at all. The Air took a HUGE performance hit. For instance, an App splash screen that might have only appeared for a second now takes 5 to 8 seconds. When I click on the 'Settings icon and Settings opens, I get a blank screen for about 2 seconds before the settings details appear. It used to be pretty well instant.

I've rebooted it a few times and nothing seems to help. My Air is now unpleasant to use.

The performance degradation was so bad, I'm afraid to install iOS 11 on my iPad Pro. It;s still running 10.3.3

Next we hear Apple is slowing down older hardware...... Not happy.
what’s done is done is done. Before any of the more experienced members wake up and help. Have you maybe tried backing it to iTunes and then setting it up as new? I backed up my iPad Air 2 to the computer so a complete copy was made. Just an idea. Good luck and a happy new year

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