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Does jailbreaking slow down YOUR ipad?

Well, I'm not sure calling a member of staff a liar is the best technique to defend your point of view. I would strongly suggest you read our rules before hurling too many more insults, otherwise there will be consequences. Folks don't have to agree with one another, but they have to be respectful to post around here.

I am sure any kind of results I can post will be immediately dismissed by you, but since I happen to have a stock iPad3 and my JB iPad3 on my desk at the moment, I ran GLB (one of many benchmarking suites available in the App Store) on both devices. This just happened to be something that was installed on both. There was no other reason for choosing it.

Attached are the stock and JB results, together with a picture from my phone of both devices showing the results.
Whilst my JB device actually scored higher by 2 marks, I am happy to call that identical performance ;)

Stock iPad3

JB iPad3

iPhone5 picture of both devices showing the results! :D

My personalised device is running SBSettings, Action Menu, Winterboard, BytaFont, iKeyWi HD, Color Keyboard HD, Iconoclasm, and plenty of other tweaks.

I have no interest in winning you over. Your very first post did state that you don't care what anyone else says.
You are obviously entrenched in your point of view, but I wont accept being called a liar by a stranger when I never knowingly post anything on our forums which I don't believe I can back up with evidence.

Your substantially slower iDevice is down to the way that you have personally managed your jailbreak. Please don't tar me with the same brush because there is plenty of evidence from our members that a jailbroken device can be fully personalised without substantially impacting its performance. All it takes is a little care and attention.
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My question too.

I read most of them and they say do not install apps that run constantly. Could I please get a list of apps that do not run constantly?
I read most of them and they say do not install apps that run constantly. Could I please get a list of apps that do not run constantly?

I know of no jailbreak applications or tweaks which I can single out as falling into a category of "running constantly" which would have a significant negative impact on the performance of the iPad. Most run very quietly in the background consuming a minimum of resources. None of the apps / tweaks you will see referred to in the various sub-forums of the hacking section on this site will hurt the performance of your device to a degree which you will notice, if taken in isolation. The only time you are likely to run into issues is if you install absolutely every app and tweak you can find. Then, just like on any other device or computer, you run the risk of slowing the OS down because of the sheer volume of things you have running. A little common sense is all that is required. Only keep things installed if you find them of use, and delete anything which you don't really need.
jawa6306 said:
Well... the jailbreak itself does not slow down your iPad at all... The processes that are used to run Substrate use a trivial amount of processing power and RAM but nowhere near enough to slow down your iPad.

Now that being said, just like any computer or similar device, what you do with your iPad will significantly affect its performance. If you only install apps and tweaks that run on demand you won't see much performance loss but if you start installing animate tweaks that may start to have a noticeable effect on your performance. I would say that this performance loss will be magnified on the original iPad because it contains around 1/4 the RAM and somewhere near 1/4 the processing and graphics power. So as resolutions get higher and iOS upgrades continue to have even greater features this will have a pronounced effect on your performance as time goes on.

My advice is to use SB Settings or a similar app to monitor your free memory and other vitals. I cannot tell you how many times I've felt my iPad was running slow only to open up SB Settings and discover I only had 10MB of free memory. From there I'd close all my open apps in the multitasking bar and be left with around 250-300MB of free RAM.

Your iPad will continue to perform as well as it did out of the box so long as you don't bog it down with things that constantly run. I mean while having two dozen different animate tweaks looks cool, it will definitely slow down the rest of your iPad as it has to run the processes for all of the tweaks in addition to whatever apps you have open.

Just remember, it's like a little computer you have there. The more you have running, the more it will have to divide the performance between them.

He's exactly right!

There are also various RAM memory boosts & UI animation speed tweaks u can install. These types of tweaks will have your device running a lot faster.

In addition to these. A few I've found helpful that tie in with this topic are "Auto AppKiller" (kill all multitasking apps at once) & "Backgrounder" (change the behavior of apps).
I only notice a device (other than my iPad 2) slows down as it gets older. Usually two generations later. With my iPod 2nd gen for example, it was the fastest thing even jailbroke with 90% of the storage being used with jailbreak data, but when the 4th came out, it was awful.

When you have nothing to compare it to, it's fast, but when something new comes out that really is fast, then you'll feel the hit

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