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IPad swing arm mount?

Check out Ram, they either have something for iPad or a way to adapt.

RAM Mounting Systems, Inc.

That's what we've been discussing in this thread :)

Ah, but give the Captain a break; I'm sure he's been busy saving us from horrible fates.

CaptKirk, I ordered a RAM Mount (with a lock on the iPad holder) about a month ago, and I'm waiting to buy the iPad for my son until the mount arrives and I can make sure it will work. One of the questions we had asked was how strong the gooseneck was, as the pictures made it look--well, flimsy.

I have seen the gooseneck in person and it works just fine. Looking at the gooseneck reviews on the website I linked you to many customers seem to be happy as they all are 4-5 stars. I myself have used the gooseneck and it is not a light duty mount. It is heavy duty, even though it looks like it can't hold very much. It is a flexible/bendable rod, but it still takes effort to bend it. It is very strong and rigid unless you are actually trying to bend it into place.

Thanks for the added info, Jordan. For now, I'll keep my order in place; I'm hoping that my order may spur them on to getting the mount out faster.

If this works, I am going to have a really good augmentative communication device for my son that is way, WAY cheaper than the last one he had. And that will very, very good.
wheelchair mount?

hi vxbush, any news on the Ram mount?

I'll be curious how beef/heavy it is...my chair is manual and I'm not strong.
Still no news

hi vxbush, any news on the Ram mount?

I'll be curious how beef/heavy it is...my chair is manual and I'm not strong.

No, nothing going on. It's about time to contact the company *again* and ask what's going on. They made it sound like it would be going out just any day the last time I contacted them.

Color me puzzled. :confused:
I just cancelled my Ram Mount order with GPSCity. The wait is simply ridiculous. I ordered one in June, together with the iPad. We're almost in September now.

Going to get a pro-clip mount I think, because you can dock the iPad and charge it/use line out etc. (they have a pass through adapter for the cable, so if you use an AV cable, you're set. No need to plug anything).
hi vxbush, any news on the Ram mount?

I'll be curious how beef/heavy it is...my chair is manual and I'm not strong.

Houston, I have an update! I just received notification today that the mount is in the mail on its way here! So hopefully I will have an update for you within the week. It's not expected to arrive here until September 3.

Hope springs eternal!
Mount is here


I know, I had to wait a huge amount of time for it, but let me bring everybody up to date.

What I ordered:


This has the round clamp that will fit onto a pipe on my son's wheelchair and ends in a universal mount for accepting the iPad holder.


This holds the iPad and has a lock on it to lock the iPad into the holder.

My biggest concern was whether or not the gooseneck would be strong enough. Well, good news: it definitely is. I can bend it, but it takes two arms and a knee to bend it into position. And once it is bent, it literally doesn't move. It has a nice heft to it. But if you don't have good mobility and two good strong arms, you're going to have to have someone to help you to bend this into place. But the cool thing is that it has a lever that can loosen and let the gooseneck rotate 180 degrees at one end, which adds to positioning.

The back of the iPad holder has four different places where you can connect the gooseneck mount, and it takes four screw/nut combos. So that's extremely configurable. And there is a ball joint at the iPad end so it can be positioned endlessly. Then the holder has a trough that the iPad slides into and then the lock holds it in place perfectly.

So yes, I've had to wait *forever*. But I have to say that it really looks like it can fit the bill for our needs. Now I have to decide which part of the wheelchair to mount the clamp on. It looks, feels, and seems totally solid.

If there's interest, I can take some pictures and post them.
Does the locking (Combination) holder get in the way of using the Ipad? It looks like
it might get in the way if you’re using the mount in portrait mode.

Does the locking (Combination) holder get in the way of using the Ipad? It looks like
it might get in the way if you’re using the mount in portrait mode.


Actually, not as much as you might think. Your hand isn't resting on the right edge of the iPad as you use it (unless you have mobility issues, but then having all those touch points of your hand will cause problems), and there is the .8" or so bevel around the touchscreen. So I have no problem with it, and I don't think my son will, either.

Again, I can take pics if people need visuals.
180 degree rotation lever

I'm interested in the " lever that can loosen and let the gooseneck rotate 180 degrees at one end, which adds to positioning. ". Would this allow the arm to swing out of the way, so someone could get out of the wheelchair without bending the gooseneck?
I'm interested in the " lever that can loosen and let the gooseneck rotate 180 degrees at one end, which adds to positioning. ". Would this allow the arm to swing out of the way, so someone could get out of the wheelchair without bending the gooseneck?

Exactly, which is why I mentioned it. There's a clamp at the "south" end of the gooseneck, and right above that clamp is a screw that loosens and tightens the gooseneck so it can pivot from the clamping end. I believe it will allow me to rotate the whole assembly without having to bending the gooseneck. Alas, there aren't any good pictures of this at the RAM Mounts site.
Hi first post, great site you have here!

my ipad arrived yesterday and found myself in the same situation, wanted a mount next to the sofa that was a good docking point (to keep it from laying about on the side, sofa etc) but also that was free to move about as much as I need to and couldnt find much on the market. rather than making a complete arm I opted to make a vesa adaptor (had a few arms lying around), used an old unicol plate (conveniently had arm like mounts which sit on the top and bottom of the ipad which keeps it from falling out) and abit of elbow grease and it works a treat. can post pics if anyones interested


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