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IPad swing arm mount?

Hi (new to the forum)
I've been looking for a desk clamp for my ipad for ages now. I recently came across the Joy Factory's Tournez Clamp Stand but its insanely expensive, though it's the cloest I've seen so far as to what I want from my stand.
I'm still looking though, while that stand is very pretty, I'm a poor student :)
(I can't link the stand as the forum wont let me yet, but it's easy to google for).
Wall mount bracket

I haven't tried it yet, but this mounting bracket has a wall and a desk option.

The product is called a tablet "wallport" or tablet wall port. The wallport is pretty standard, but the mounting bracket can be put on wall or desk and extends outward.

I can't believe there aren't more products like this!
Pictures of gooseneck mounted to your son's wheelchair?


I know, I had to wait a huge amount of time for it, but let me bring everybody up to date.

What I ordered:


This has the round clamp that will fit onto a pipe on my son's wheelchair and ends in a universal mount for accepting the iPad holder.


This holds the iPad and has a lock on it to lock the iPad into the holder.

My biggest concern was whether or not the gooseneck would be strong enough. Well, good news: it definitely is. I can bend it, but it takes two arms and a knee to bend it into position. And once it is bent, it literally doesn't move. It has a nice heft to it. But if you don't have good mobility and two good strong arms, you're going to have to have someone to help you to bend this into place. But the cool thing is that it has a lever that can loosen and let the gooseneck rotate 180 degrees at one end, which adds to positioning.

The back of the iPad holder has four different places where you can connect the gooseneck mount, and it takes four screw/nut combos. So that's extremely configurable. And there is a ball joint at the iPad end so it can be positioned endlessly. Then the holder has a trough that the iPad slides into and then the lock holds it in place perfectly.

So yes, I've had to wait *forever*. But I have to say that it really looks like it can fit the bill for our needs. Now I have to decide which part of the wheelchair to mount the clamp on. It looks, feels, and seems totally solid.

If there's interest, I can take some pictures and post them.

Would it be possible for you to include a picture or two of gooseneck mounted to, or rather, clamped on to your son's wheelchair? I would like to see which part of the wheelchair you chose to clamp it to. If I recall right, you wrote that your son has a manual wheelchair. I have a motorized wheelchair and want to make sure the gooseneck will not interfere with the joystick.

Thanks in advance.
I bought a Ram mount and put it in my Vette just fine. It vibrates a bit so I added some damping material. It seems to me that the Ram mount could easily be adapted to desk or any surface.
Being a Power chair user myself lots of stuff out there but nothing nice to match the clean lines of an iPad I or smoother lines of the new iPad II.

Check out the great people at Joy Factory in SCal its amazing mount and not junk like the others.

Cool carbon fiber!
I would like to second ram mounts. I have one mounted in my 2009 Toyota Tacoma. It is great and very flexible. You can mount it and persuade it to be anywhere you would like.
Being a Power chair user myself lots of stuff out there but nothing nice to match the clean lines of an iPad I or smoother lines of the new iPad II.

T&C, I did check out The Joy Factory this morning. I really liked what I saw! The "Tournez Clamp Mount for iPad" looks really interesting if it can be adopted for a power wheelchair.

You wrote that you were a Power Wheelchair user. Am I right in assuming that you chose one of The Joy Factory mounts? If I am right, which mount did you choose?

By the way, I have the Pride Q6000Z wheelchair. Which wheelchair do you have? I ask because if your wheelchair is similar to mine, maybe the same mount that you ordered will work for me.
Hey I know you from WCJ! It's a prototype we are. Trying it out for them.

Will have more info after this weekend coming up as we are meeting up in LA for Ability Expo.

They have modified that mount to fit a bit better for a power chair.

Supports iPad one ow but we have a 2's so we are planing on modifying the holder so the video can be used.

The iPad 2 holder should be out soon in production now.

I have a 6000 also and x5
big_daddy_mpd said:
Hey folks...new here but had "Paddy" since day one...my favorite use is bedside...and wondered If anyone had seen a "swing arm" mount yet for an iPad that would let one use it hands free in bed...by a desk, etc...?

The hanfree project on kickstarter dot com has pretty much exactly what you are looking for. I wanted the same thing, and stumbled across it. I decided to "fund" the project, so I could get one when they start production.

This is my first post here, so i can't drop direct links in yet:

www "dot" kickstarter "dot" com/projects/831303939/hanfree-ipad-accessory-use-the-ipad-hands-free

It is what it is, but I'd bet a clever person could adapt it for more advanced uses, like modding it to work on a wheelchair, etc.

Kickstarter is a concept where startups get their funding from individuals who pledge money in return for something, usually a custom item, or one of the finished products, etc. It's a neat concept, at least when a startup has something you want and can't find elsewhere.

Here is the pledge I selected:

"For a $50 pledge you are pre-ordering Hanfree. Hanfree will be constructed from the highest quality materials and made in the United States. When the Kickstarter campaign ends the retail price of Hanfree will be $79.95. Please specify if you have an iPad or iPad 2 when ordering (add $20 for shipping in the United States, $30 for Canada and $40 for international shipping)."

Again, this is my first post here, so i can't drop direct links in yet:

www "dot" flickr "dot" com/photos/55398795@N03/5549090565/

I can't wait to get one. When I do, I'll do a review if anyone's interested.
Great! I am looking forward to hearing the info you will have. Nice to hear that they modified the mount to fit better on a power chair.

And, yes, I am on WCJ a lot. :)
Toonce said:
The hanfree project on kickstarter dot com has pretty much exactly what you are looking for. I wanted the same thing, and stumbled across it. I decided to "fund" the project, so I could get one when they start production.

This is my first post here, so i can't drop direct links in yet:

www "dot" kickstarter "dot" com/projects/831303939/hanfree-ipad-accessory-use-the-ipad-hands-free

It is what it is, but I'd bet a clever person could adapt it for more advanced uses, like modding it to work on a wheelchair, etc.

Kickstarter is a concept where startups get their funding from individuals who pledge money in return for something, usually a custom item, or one of the finished products, etc. It's a neat concept, at least when a startup has something you want and can't find elsewhere.

Here is the pledge I selected:

"For a $50 pledge you are pre-ordering Hanfree. Hanfree will be constructed from the highest quality materials and made in the United States. When the Kickstarter campaign ends the retail price of Hanfree will be $79.95. Please specify if you have an iPad or iPad 2 when ordering (add $20 for shipping in the United States, $30 for Canada and $40 for international shipping)."

Again, this is my first post here, so i can't drop direct links in yet:

www "dot" flickr "dot" com/photos/55398795@N03/5549090565/

I can't wait to get one. When I do, I'll do a review if anyone's interested.


Sorry being a power chair user it's about independence and that holder is way to big and looks heavy. What you may not understand is range of motion and bulky had for someone with limited strength would have a very hard time using this.

Our idea is to be able you use the iPad as we roll not being stationary.
Im also looking for a swing arm mount for mine but cant really find one that i like. Although i just saw the swing arm mount by Joy that was posted by T&C...buuut dont really know if I want to spend that much when i came across one that seems perfect for me. Its by Vogel, there RingO Collection but cant find a place that sells them in the States AND the actual swing arm mount doesnt hit stores until the Summer. PLUS, it comes with a case thats versatile for multiple mounts (wall, car, etc..)

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