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iPad vs HP Slate

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No so fast Mr. Moderator...

From someone who has been using 2 (64) Ipad's since the 3rd I think he has some valid points. Battery life is a non issue - as soon as we see multiple threaded environments (IE - allowing full pull email, web sites pulling in the background etc...) our 8 to 10 hours of battery will fall into the 5's IMO. 5 hours on a device like this (Slate/Tablet) is enough to get me across the country on most accounts. I'm not saying that I will put up with less than 8 to 10 hours of battery life but if I must have full computer functionality that will be one of the trade offs.

The primary reason I take one of my Ipad's virtually everywhere I go (and my mifi) is the battery life of the Ipad combined with its form factor.

Right now the IBOOK app is the Killer app and what keeps me coming back to using the Ipad. I'm not in love with browsing on the Ipad - it's form factor is great but I find the glare and small print (unless zoomed) can be tiresome to my eyes.

Ipad = Toy - Sure -- why not. It's one of the most enjoyable Toy's/Gadgets that I have owned in some time. Ipad= Computer -- Not quite but if you are not in need of a computer you get amazing battery life, light weight and so far what appears to be good fit/finish and like another poster mentioned a cohesive experience.

To the OP -
So far the HP looks to be the best of the bunch in terms of spec's - I look forward to checking one out. It sounds like a reasonable thing to do if you already have one Ipad to wait on your 2nd to see what these (lets call them 2nd or 3rd gen Tablet PC's) have to offer.

Some of you Apple Kool-Aide drinkers crack me up.

The IPAD is a really big IPOD / toy.
The Slate apparently actually runs an operating system and may be an actual computer.

If you want a big IPOD / toy, like I did when I bought my IPAD, then its wonderful. If you want a computer then you dont want an IPAD.

For the first time last night I ran into an IPAD wall. I was trying to do a web search and kept getting frustrated by the lack of precision and alternatives that the touch interface forces me into. I finally gave up and went to a computer and did the search in a matter of seconds.

Not the fault of the IPAD, but my fault for momentarily forgetting its NOT a computer and lacks a real, useful working interface.

Spoken like a true hater that doesn't have an iPad. Use one daily and you will understand. And since when is an os other than mac or windows not a real os.
The iPad is not a toy, but it is not a full computer. I see the problem with the Slate as trying to be a full computer on a tablet. The whole idea of the iPad is to simplify the functions a majority of us use a laptop for. And to provide a better experience for us old farts that do not have the fingers and eyesight for a iPod Touch.

AMEM BROTHER SEADOG AMEN ..when young people get old they are going to see the reason why us old folks love the big screen Ipod touch or Ipad..

people are right it is one the main reason a lot of people are buying them simple to use basic internet use and not a lot of extras that they do not need..

a simple basic machine to play music a few game and surf the web ..that it and apple has kick the liveing snot of the rest of the computer companys and now they are sitting in the corner crying and complaining that they did not get a chance ..
Who cares whether or not the iPad is a "real" computer. If it works for you, buy it. If the HP works, buy that. I appreciate the fact that the vender's are now building different devices for different people.

It used to be that you could only buy desktops. Then "portables" came a long. By the way, take a look at the first "portable" computer that I used to carry around in the early 90's Compaq Portable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Then laptops, notebooks, and netbooks, Palm Pilots, iPhones, and now the iPad.

Now we have lots of choices. Microsoft just announced the Kin phones. They look lame to me, but maybe some teenagers will like them. Is that bad? Should we criticize them for choosing them? No. Buy what works for you.

What I think will kill the HP Slate is the lack of apps, or rather, the only apps that will run on it are regular windows apps.

The tablets to watch (besides iPads), are the ones that will run Android. The number of Android apps is increasing very quickly, so a tablet running the Android OS could be as popular as the iPad.
This very much depends on your usage. If you need to carry a computer around then the HP is a no brainer. You will not have to make any compromises regarding access to your business tools. It mimics a traditional OS very well in addition to increasing portability, coolness, and fun.
If you find that you are not in need of a “full” computer, the Ipad is the better deal. With the Ipad you get a few important components of a computer with the following bonuses: great battery, good resale, apps galore, great fit and finish.
1. Business man in a high profile data driven environment not requiring much “artistic” ability gets the HP.
2. Sales person, photographer or anyone else who’s job has an element of art gets the Ipad
3. Anyone that wants a fun gadget gets an Ipad.

Finally no one ever seems to mention this but the Ipad 3g is going to have the best internet access plan on the market (U.S.). If the HP had the same plan I would be in a very hard place.
How can everyone knock the Slate so much when it isn't even close to being released yet. Comparing the iPad to the Slate isn't the same as comparing a Notebook to a MacBook. The Slate runs a full blown OS and the iPad runs a SmartPhone OS. Sure the iPad is a lot slicker but the Slate will be able to do more. Also the Slate runs Windows so it doesn't need an Apps store. The same programs that will run on your desktop will run on your tablet. Hopefully in a few years the iPad will be running OS X as well.

The big question to answer here is: how is the Slate's WiFi?
The HP Slate is starting to look pretty good. I currently have the iPad WiFi 64GB and have a iPad 3G 64GB on order. After reading this article and getting a glimpse of the Slate I think I will cancel the 3G and wait for the Slate.. i know I'll end up with one anyway, why have three mini iPads around. The Slate has much more options I like, such as an optional pin digitizer support, three times more RAM, two cameras, more optional ports.. Gee, is this a no brainer folks?? So far I see the Slate bringing a lot more to the table. What are your thoughts after reading the linked article below???? Anyone else having second thoughts with their future 3G iPads on order?

HP Slate to cost $549, have 1.6GHz Atom Z530, 5 hour battery? -- Engadget

Hey I think that is great. You could evaluate the duo and give an honest impression of value.

Go for it.
How can everyone knock the Slate so much when it isn't even close to being released yet. Comparing the iPad to the Slate isn't the same as comparing a Notebook to a MacBook. The Slate runs a full blown OS and the iPad runs a SmartPhone OS. Sure the iPad is a lot slicker but the Slate will be able to do more. Also the Slate runs Windows so it doesn't need an Apps store. The same programs that will run on your desktop will run on your tablet. Hopefully in a few years the iPad will be running OS X as well.

The big question to answer here is: how is the Slate's WiFi?

No, my desktop is a mac, and the core apps that I use in my personal computing are mac only, but have ipod/ipad apps that allow syncing. Which is why the fact that the HP slate runs windows makes it not work for my needs and the ipad does.
No, my desktop is a mac, and the core apps that I use in my personal computing are mac only, but have ipod/ipad apps that allow syncing. Which is why the fact that the HP slate runs windows makes it not work for my needs and the ipad does.

I have a Mac Mini, 4 PCs 2 Servers and a Dell Notebook and I will end up getting both an iPad and probably a Slate as well. You can't be close minded about these things.
Everyone is different - including their computing needs. I've been involved in the technology industry for 35 years - first computer was 512K FatMac with a 20MB hard drive. I've owned a number of machine over the years and purchased tens of thousands for business use - including both Mac and PC. (actually my first computer was a sinclare followed by an Apple IIE)

There really isn't a way to compare Mac and PC computers - at least to a great extent - because they are intrinsically designed to handle different types of tasks hence different types of users. The PC was designed as a number cruncher while the Mac was designed primarily as a graphics type computer. Through the years Macs have been the mainstream for publishers, photographers, videographers, etc. But if you're a meteorologist or an astronomer or an accountant - chances are you leaned towards PC's.

In the past ten years Macs and PC's have come much closer in overall computing capabilities albeit I would say the Mac has taken on many more traditional PC tasks versus the PC taking on traditional Mac Tasks. But as computing becomes more and more mainstream different types of markets and users develop. How many of you out there have children under the age of 8 who use a computer 10 hours a week or more? How many of you have children under 10 who own their own computer / or more precisely today - a netbook?

I closely watched the evolution over the past 12 years of the tablet PC - driven by the Microsoft Tablet PC operating system. I watched manufacturers get machines down to a tad over 3 pounds - with slow processors, small memory, smaller storage and a machine that got almost too hot to the touch.

What Apple did here with the iPad is revolutionary. They developed something that's not an iPhone, that's not a computer and appears to be easy to use by a person of any age. I was watching the newer version of the 'Andromeda Strain' the other day and noticed that someone took out a portable device that resembled a piece of aluminum foil and passed them around as viewable screens. That's where this is going. For those Astronomers out there - you'll still have your PC. For those videographers or graphic artists out there - you'll still have your Mac.

But the people in the middle - we'll have to see how this all integrates into both workplace and every day life processes. It'll take a year and a half to see if Apple has a true revolutionary winner here - but from what I can tell so far it's leaning that way. But I think we would be better off to leave the comparisons at the door between a full-blown HP slate machine running Windows 7 - and the iPad. Two different beasts.
No, my desktop is a mac, and the core apps that I use in my personal computing are mac only, but have ipod/ipad apps that allow syncing. Which is why the fact that the HP slate runs windows makes it not work for my needs and the ipad does.

I have a Mac Mini, 4 PCs 2 Servers and a Dell Notebook and I will end up getting both an iPad and probably a Slate as well. You can't be close minded about these things.

Whatever dude, call me close minded. I don't need 2 tablets. Have fun with your slate but I have no need for one.

Hey I think that is great. You could evaluate the duo and give an honest impression of value.

Go for it.[/QUOTE]

Well, I did it. I went on line with Apple customer service tonight and cancelled the 3G I had on order. Another contributing factor, I just got the Sprint Sierra 4G Hot Spot and love it. No need for iPad 3G and no worry if the Slate will be 3G ready, I'll be ready for both worlds. And I agree with many of you stating the Slate will be a full Ops computer - guess what?? That's exactly what I want. And I agree with many of you that the iPad will always have the most Aps - guess what?? That's exactly what I got. The moral of my decision; why have both the same, why not have one of each....I will defiantly give you all an honest review of both devices, but can't promise when.
I have a laptop - don't need another. The question is not why shouldn't we carry our laptop everywhere we go but rather why should we have to carry our laptop everywhere we go.

BTW - on the HP slate I'm not interested in specs on processors or ram or memory - but performance. How fast does it turn on? How HOT does it get with the additional programming and memory that have to be used? Lots of questions - but still I think a comparison is pointless.
I dunno - I used to have a Samsung Omnia with Walking Hot Spot - and I could have gone wifi only and hooked up to the Omnia. But we're talking 2 devices and having to do battery management with the Omnia - seemed more like a pain in the rear that the regular 3G.

Don't get me wrong - If I had a laptop that I had to tote around and needed ready wifi I would look into the hotspot - but I don't.
i wouldnt say HP Slate will be an iPad killer, because HP Slate is more of Netbook Tablet, and iPad is not. iPad is just a big version of Ipod Touch compare to Kindle from Amazon.com. So there are the differences. SO i wouldn't consider iPad as part of netbook tablet category.
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