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iPad vs HP Slate

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Let's not forget that Bill Gates himself triednto get a Windows tablet off the ground over ten years ago at both Comdex 2000 and 2001.

That didn't fly then, but HP may get it off the ground now that the iPad has launched along with some of it's version 1.0 limitations.

Personally, to me the "limitations" are a non issue, as I am happily using the lil' iPad for what it is intended - that is a, consumer end product. I love the fact that I can take my favorite Podcasts with me. I love the fact that I can take a library with me. I love the fact that I can choose to either purchase an App or use one for free and that it is a reliable tool and I don't have to worry about crashes.

Also, contrary to popular belief you can mult-task, albeit in a limited fashion. I.e. - I can and do play recorded Podcast music in the background while I read, particularly the classics because it creates the ideal environment for me to read and thourghly enjoy what this little device was meant to do.

However it is so much more than just a read or music and video player. Just yesterday while travelling I experienced the convenience of just popping into a MacDonalds and having a cup of coffee while checking the weather conditions for the roads ahead and also checking on the latest headlines using the AP and USA News free apps, the quickly checked the email did a little web surfing and off I went. All this while carrying a handy, convenient sized iPad. Soooo..... pass the grape kool aid - the Apps are fine!
i wouldnt say HP Slate will be an iPad killer, because HP Slate is more of Netbook Tablet, and iPad is not. iPad is just a big version of Ipod Touch compare to Kindle from Amazon.com. So there are the differences. SO i wouldn't consider iPad as part of netbook tablet category.

That means you don't have one...use one for a couple days and you will realize it is more of a netbook..and nothing like an ipod touch.
I don't think the Slate is being cancelled altogether, I think they are saying that a "Windows based Slate" has been cancelled, which means they might be going with Android or something.

It's a great idea, because Windows 7 is not a good OS for touch interfaces. Microsoft would have to design a touch specific OS. Windows 7 will never be as good as iPhone OS as far as touch interface goes.
they are acquiring Palm and most likely are going to implement WebOS on the slate. it's a great move.
The Web OS is coming so watch out. Apple will now have some real competition as HP can afford to market their products at the same level as Apple where as Palm couldn't.
The Web OS is coming so watch out. Apple will now have some real competition as HP can afford to market their products at the same level as Apple where as Palm couldn't.

Aside from the cameras, what does the Slate now have that the iPad doesn't? The reason the other posters here wanted it was it supposedly could have ran full apps on it, not so anymore. And it has far less apps available for it, it has less apps then even Android.

I realize they just bought Palm, but this was a bad move on HP's part I think to get rid of the full OS. Now all this is is a knockoff of the iPad. It might be slightly cheaper and have an extra bell and whistle but overall, it won't do much to sales of iPads. It's an alternative to the haters who say Apple copies all of their products anyway, pretty ironic if you ask me! :D
Aside from the cameras, what does the Slate now have that the iPad doesn't? The reason the other posters here wanted it was it supposedly could have ran full apps on it, not so anymore. And it has far less apps available for it, it has less apps then even Android.

I realize they just bought Palm, but this was a bad move on HP's part I think to get rid of the full OS. Now all this is is a knockoff of the iPad. It might be slightly cheaper and have an extra bell and whistle but overall, it won't do much to sales of iPads. It's an alternative to the haters who say Apple copies all of their products anyway, pretty ironic if you ask me! :D

As far as Apps go with the full weight of HP behind it they will be plentiful for the Web OS now. Most developers were gun shy as Palms future was uncertain now that the ground work has been laid down look for the Web OS apps to come flying in.
As far as Apps go with the full weight of HP behind it they will be plentiful for the Web OS now. Most developers were gun shy as Palms future was uncertain now that the ground work has been laid down look for the Web OS apps to come flying in.

Unless HP sells MILLIONS and MILLIONS of units, why would any developer bother to develop anything for WebOS when iPhone OS and Android are way ahead of it? There are already 51M+ iPhone OS devices out there, that is a huge head start (i don't know how many android devices are out there). At most they would be ports of existing iPhone and Android apps but developers aren't even keen on that.

My original point doesn't change, the fact that this now truly is a iPad knockoff with a couple bells and whistles spells doom for it. A full OS is what many want (I personally don't) and they apparently are deciding to take that away.
I think competition is great and both the iPhone OS and webOS are very good systems. I obviously love my iPad 3G, but I also love my Palm Pre and enjoy them equally for the things they both do well. It will be very interesting to see what hardware gets matched with webOS. If done well it will definitely keep apple on it's toes, and that's a good thing for everyone.
So when the webos slate comes out will all the people that complained about the iPad not being a "real" os still bitch or will they be total hypocrites and praise it because it isn't apple?
Actually, I hope that the Slate is brought out and does well. The iPad will progress faster with decent competition. Note that all of the major advances in the iPhone have been in trying to stay ahead of the competition. Right now, the iPad is in the same position as the original iPhone, and we saw how everyone tried to bring out their iPhone killers. It is going to be the same with the iPad.
So when the webos slate comes out will all the people that complained about the iPad not being a "real" os still bitch or will they be total hypocrites and praise it because it isn't apple?

Here's how I think it will go down. Apple lovers will hate it. Palm lovers will love it. Netbook and "real OS" lovers will bitch about both. And to answer you question, yes, hypocrisy will always be alive and well in the world of fanboyism.
Windows = Crashes
Slate = Windows

Therefore, Slate = Crashes

I will not purchase. Please pass me another cup of Apple Kool-Aid while you reboot your OS.

Well as I write this Slate is already history as a failed product. Windows on a tablet is simply not competitive with the Apple iPad line.

Android on a tablet will be like investing in a Zune.
I would definitely go for the iPad because I believe that the iPad is better than the HP slate. First, the iPad's screen resolution is better than the HP slate. I don't like the idea of HP slate having a smaller screen because I would say that having a bigger screen is better.
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