OK, my input on a few things. USB was developed by Ajay Bhatt, an engineer working for Intel, not MS or IBM. I do not think Intel would have sold their rights to something like that. While limited USB usage can be had with the connector kit, there is a lot of difference from what the 30-pin can do, vs a USB connector. The original iPods had Firewire connectors, the original shuffle used USB. The inability to do eveything with one existing connector, caused Apple to design the 30-pin. The slim design of the Nanos was also a factor in the design of the 30-pin.
As for Lion, my understanding is that it gives an iOS look and some of the practices used with iOS so that it is more attractive to those familiar with the iPhone/iPad. I have not heard of any support for touch screens, nor anything about a touchpad computer. I do know that using a touch screen on a regular computer is not very practical. Every attempt that I have seen, has not been able to do either well.