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iPad won't open after jailbreaking iOS 7

Your device is attempting to loop. Place the iPad into DFU mode rather than leaving it in Recovery Mode. DFU mode ensures that the mechanics in Evasi0n7 are not interfering with the restore process and thrusting out issues.

How can I do that?
Plug the device into your computer. Hold the power and home button together for 10 full seconds. Your screen should now be black. After 10 full seconds and a black screen, release the power button but keep holding the home button until iTunes recognizes your device in Recovery Mode once again. Your computer should also recognize new hardware being plugged in at this point as well. Your screen on your device should now be pitch black as if it's turned off or on standby. When restoring, since you're downloading the IPSW already, hold shift (Windows) or command (OS X) and click on the "Restore iPad..." button. Point it to the 7.0.4 IPSW that you've downloaded, and let iTunes do its thing.

Essentially follow this guide here.
Plug the device into your computer. Hold the power and home button together for 10 full seconds. Your screen should now be black. After 10 full seconds and a black screen, release the power button but keep holding the home button until iTunes recognizes your device in Recovery Mode once again. Your computer should also recognize new hardware being plugged in at this point as well. Your screen on your device should now be pitch black as if it's turned off or on standby. When restoring, since you're downloading the IPSW already, hold shift (Windows) or command (OS X) and click on the "Restore iPad..." button. Point it to the 7.0.4 IPSW that you've downloaded, and let iTunes do its thing.

Essentially follow this guide here.

Thank you for your help!
Any fix?

Same issues even after DFU mode and restoring to the latest firmware.

Keeps looping, and never boots up. :(

Haha lucky for me I have an ipad air. Until I can figure out what the problem is and how to solve it.

I will be looking here for more suggestions for a fix.


I have an ipad2
The problem you have described The ~Seraphim~ sounds to me like one I have had previously, it is caused by leaving a passcode on your ipad before performing the Jailbreak.

It is a known problem that can sometimes occur when you have failed to go into settings and turn it off, it will then after hitting the Evasion button on your ipad go into a loop of apple sign then black screen, apple sign then black screen.........The only way out of this is following a fine tutorial of DFU mode here http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html

Once done, turn off pass code and retry the Jailbreak

Hope this helps
I appreciate your quick response. I did turn off findipad and pretty sure pass code was disabled/off.

I did manage to at least get it to boot back up/restored.

I have seen many people with my same issue. Must be problems with evasion on ipad2 at least.

Thanks again.
For those that still want to persevere on this journey, first backup your device, then restore. Instead of restoring the backup immediately, set up as a new device, jailbreak, and see if the same issue exists.
after attempting the restore and set up as new ipad2. then jailbreaking. am i suppose to get the last screen "reading kernel" etc?

ugh it doesnt matter. I tried the method suggested. setting up as new etc. I get the same loop.

Must be an issue with the jb I guess. Not that I would know.

Basically I managed to restore my iPad. I tried jailbreaking, first set up as new iPad and skipped adding in passcodes. It happened again, right after the kernel screen it does the same problem I had yesterday.

I am now restoring it again and gonna stay away until the evad3rs know this, also guys I don't know but maybe try removing your apple ID, or iCloud and any there accounts out of your iPad.
Mmm jb seem to work with my ipad air BUT now reading about controversy and privacy issues from evader?

Should I restore and not have the jb? Ugh


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