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iPF Noob
I'm a retired software engineer and as a teenager I started working with computers back in the late '60's! Believe me I've seen a lot of improvement in four decades. On a whim and curious about Apple products, I bought an iPod Touch when they first came out in 2007. What an elegant piece of hardware and the GUI + touchscreen was the BEST! Apple's design is top notch and it was easy learning how to use it. Besides using the calendar, notepad, Safari -wow, Mail, stocks etc., I could download movies and TV shows, music, podcasts, apps.. well I was sold! For a guy who started with punch cards and 1 MB drives and teletype i/o - the iPod with its color touchscreen and 16 GB of storage - was magic!
I bought an iMac in Sept 2008 to replace an aging XP machine. It impressed me even more! I use it everyday and marvel at it!
When Steve Jobs introduced the iPad in January, I HAD to have one dudes and dudettes. It is a lot more then an oversized iPhone! Kindle, watch out. Bedtime viewing of movies or iBooks on that big screen will not strain my eyes. Well, I can't wait to try mine out. :)
Welcome to iPadForums.net.

Apple sucked me into the fold in a similar way. I saw the iPhone keynote and had to have it. Halfway through the 6 month wait for the iPhone to come out I bought myself a MacBook Pro. Since then I have bought every iPhone that has come out and I replaced 2 XP machines with 2 Mac Pros (dual dual-core xeons and dual quad-core xeons). I couldn't be happier ;).
I'm a retired software engineer and as a teenager I started working with computers back in the late '60's! Believe me I've seen a lot of improvement in four decades. On a whim and curious about Apple products, I bought an iPod Touch when they first came out in 2007. What an elegant piece of hardware and the GUI + touchscreen was the BEST! Apple's design is top notch and it was easy learning how to use it. Besides using the calendar, notepad, Safari -wow, Mail, stocks etc., I could download movies and TV shows, music, podcasts, apps.. well I was sold! For a guy who started with punch cards and 1 MB drives and teletype i/o - the iPod with its color touchscreen and 16 GB of storage - was magic!
I bought an iMac in Sept 2008 to replace an aging XP machine. It impressed me even more! I use it everyday and marvel at it!
When Steve Jobs introduced the iPad in January, I HAD to have one dudes and dudettes. It is a lot more then an oversized iPhone! Kindle, watch out. Bedtime viewing of movies or iBooks on that big screen will not strain my eyes. Well, I can't wait to try mine out. :)

WOW! Do you ever take me WAYYY Back! I was a computer operator in the 70s. I trained on a 360 and keypunched from time to time. Do I ever feel OLD!!:o

for me is a little different, i start to work with Apple LC II in year 1985/86 i bough also two PowerBook 100 & 160 , after that i be forced to use Windoze 98 because 2 software doesn't exist in Mac (Autocad & Autodesk) ... but 3 years ago i decide to buy for my personal use a Mac-Book i be so satisfied than i change all computer for my administrative staff just the tech staff can't use mac but all they complain because they also want to move in Mac

of course i also have every iPhone come out and i believe i can't be more happy with other device than the steve product's
Wow, I'm glad ya found the forum! Look forward to hearing your thoughts on the device once you get a chance to play around with it.
My first exposure to Apple was during college. I took a summer job with a fairly large Apple reseller in Centerville, Ohio. At the time the first laptop was coming on the scene at the bargain price of $7k, and the Mac SE/30 ruled the day. The coolest thing we did that summer was an install of 100 Macs for the B1B bomber project. From that point on I was a fan, but would not make the cross over until 2 years ago when I vowed to never allow another Windows based product in the house after losing 3000 photos in a blue screen crash. My wife has even learned how to use the Mac which is a huge victory, before I could not get her to even use the internet.

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