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ipad2, my best electronic purchase EVER!

While I agree that ipad2 is fantastic,I love mine I prefer my mbp for long periods of browsing,a proper keypad is much better,also you need a disc drive at times,You can't beat the speed and reliability of the gorgeous mbp.

I agree, if I'm doing any long amounts of browsing and I'm at my house I will use my MacBook connected to my External Monitor.
But the iPad is great when you just want to sit on the couch or in bed and look some stuff up and don't want to be bothered with the weight of a laptop.

yes,i always have a couple of hours in bed with my ipad2,this is why apple are the market leaders,theyv got it all covered.
@Mikekan So with my new iPad 2, 3g wifi, I was all set to go the the AT&T store and get a free basic phone with my new 2 year contract, saving $30/mo off our $200 family cell phone bill. Who needs an iPhone with an iPad? The rep made a good point, if I cancel though, and have a decision to make.

I am grandfathered in indefinitely in AT&T's $30 unlimited data plan. If I give that up, I can never have it back. A factor in my decision is the idea of hot spot. I have an iPhone 3 now, and could potentially get the iPhone 5 down the road. Will I have an ability to create an iPad hot spot with the iPhone 5 unlimited data plan? If so, perhaps I should keep it?

In addition to the other question, I am wondering if there are lucky folks out there that obtained and kept an unlimited data plan on their iPads like I am able to keep on the iPhone? If so, dang, what a dream world that would be! Thanks in advance for reply. Mark
If you want the AT&T mobile hotspot feature to be added to your service it is $20 extra a month and you have to give up the unlimited data. You will have to switch to the $25 2GB plan and add the $20 tether/hotspot plan and you also get an extra 2GB of data with that added.
Jman09 said:
If you want the AT&T mobile hotspot feature to be added to your service it is $20 extra a month and you have to give up the unlimited data. You will have to switch to the $25 2GB plan and add the $20 tether/hotspot plan and you also get an extra 2GB of data with that added.

Might want to check out tmobiles rates. They also roam on ATT.
Jman09 said:
Except he was asking about AT&T data plans. That's why I wouldn't look at T-Mobile rates.

Guess I thought he was thinking about tethering to a phones wifi hotspot. Tmobile has great rates for that.
I'm on AT&T, and jail broke my iPhone 4 so I could make it a hotspot without paying AT&T's higher rates. Still had to pay for the app to do this. The way I see it is that the tether/hotspot feature through AT&T isn't worth the extra $20 dollars a month to use. Yes, you do get the extra 2GB of data when you have this add on. But when I use my phone as a hotspot, it isn't for anything major. It is to use my iPad when I am out of Wifi range. And even when I tether quite a bit to my iPad I don't go over 1.2 GB of data transfer, and usually less than 1GB.

My current AT&T data plan is for 2GB a month, I didn't have AT&T before my iPhone 4 to get grandfathered in that unlimited deal.

But if I was constantly using close to 2GB a month in data while using tethering then I would be happy to un-jailbreak my phone, and add the hotspot/tether feature through AT&T.
Jman09 said:
I'm on AT&T, and jail broke my iPhone 4 so I could make it a hotspot without paying AT&T's higher rates. Still had to pay for the app to do this. The way I see it is that the tether/hotspot feature through AT&T isn't worth the extra $20 dollars a month to use. Yes, you do get the extra 2GB of data when you have this add on. But when I use my phone as a hotspot, it isn't for anything major. It is to use my iPad when I am out of Wifi range. And even when I tether quite a bit to my iPad I don't go over 1.2 GB of data transfer, and usually less than 1GB.

My current AT&T data plan is for 2GB a month, I didn't have AT&T before my iPhone 4 to get grandfathered in that unlimited deal.

But if I was constantly using close to 2GB a month in data while using tethering then I would be happy to un-jailbreak my phone, and add the hotspot/tether feature through AT&T.

I don't think you will be able to do that very much longer. From what I read ATT is going to put a stop to that. I'm on T-Mobile and have a MyTouch 4g with built in hot spot feature. They let me use it for free as long as I don't abuse it. Otherwise it's $15 per month. I use it exactly like you said, when I can't get wifi someplace.
That article looks like it directed toward the people with jailbroken iPhones on unlimited plans and are abusing it every month. I only have a 2GB plan and barely use half of it. But I will change it if they email or text me about it.

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