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iPadForums.net Upgrade Problems - Issues Thread

Safari just crashed on my iPad, and when I came back to this site, I was logged out although I seemed to be online.

This happened two or three times before, without Safari crashing.
I'm wondering if there is a certain time limit where the server senses you are logged off and shows that you are truly logged off? A time to refresh the system with member activity perhaps?I found similar activity on the previous website and the IPF app. I don't think that this is anything different than what I have seen before.
Sure they do! Not in that form, maybe! Separate the oats from the chaff,
The cows ( animal of choices ) eat the oats, lay on the chaff which is the straw, bedding, then poop out the oats and someone cleans out the stall, dumps the straw on the pile that gets used for fertilizing the next crop!:D
Sure they do! Not in that form, maybe! Separate the oats from the chaff,
The cows ( animal of choices ) eat the oats, lay on the chaff which is the straw, bedding, then poop out the oats and someone cleans out the stall, dumps the straw on the pile that gets used for fertilizing the next crop!:D
Thanks a lot Diane!!:)

I'll now go and pour myself a nice glass of Stout. The one with the special oatmeal flavour;)
:rolleyes:In that case the oats would come straight from the combine ( or whatever machine separates the oats from the chaff, during this process the oats go directly into a bag of some sort! The chaff turns into straw which can also be used for packing material, sold in pet stores, used in pet stores, baled, so many different uses. :cool:
In Johanna's post I said what I said because of where she lives! :)
Did you know that in the last century ( yes we are THAT old ) most of our food was grown by independent farmers, and now only 3% of it is?
That's because the big corp.'s have bought most of the agri. land, have machines that are HUGE, can cut down 3 football fields in one swoop and work 24/7 because the lights are so bright on the machines it doesn't matter if it's dark! :eek:
My ? is, why do we still have daylight savings? Crazy wonderful world! :D
All good questions here, although we're getting off the main topic... update problems and issues (says the main offender:rolleyes:)
Or wait, maybe that's a good sign, that we are getting used to our new app here, maybe finding it more useful and interesting than we had first worried about? What are your thoughts?
I'm still finding new and interesting, if sometimes quirky sometimes beaut features, the more I use this new forum software.
If anyone is still stumped about how this or that could be done just ask away. Like a lot of stuff in this wonderful world...you win some... You lose some...:p
Hi Andrew! :D I confess, I am guilty of going off topic! :oops: It is hard to resist responding to you because you always make me smile right down in my soul! :p Back ON TOPIC:
However much fun that little detour was, :cool: I too agree with you about the new upgrade the more I love it! It even has it''s own icon again! YAY!! I was going to send a message to the whole staff as to how I now am very glad you did this upgrade. There are so many choices that weren't there before and now that the jumping page has stopped happening. I also have a question! Imagine that? :rolleyes: I have original art I would like to post. Not iPad art. Since the thread Photo/Images is any " images " you would like to post would I be wrong to post it there?
Since the upgrade I am still finding my way around the new Forums/ Threads etc. I don't have to stick with iPad 2 IMO because my art work has nothing to do with which iPad I have. Am I headed in the right direction? I got great advice from Dave about this. I just want to be correct with the new upgrade. Thanks, Andrew, again! Diane.
By all means Diane, Photo/Images in the Off Topic forum would be the place to go and see those art images of yours. We've had some interesting posts there, ranging from wildlife/scenery photos to members' collections of beautifully presented objects. Look forward to yours!:)
Thanks, Andrew! You are so nice to me and everyone else too! Were you the frog who got kissed by a Princess and turned you into a Prince?
:p Diane.
Thanks, Andrew! You are so nice to me and everyone else too! Were you the frog who got kissed by a Princess and turned you into a Prince?
:p Diane.
Thank you kindly Diane!;) No, no, regrettably It was another chap. I was the manor's Bassett Hound who continues to get kissed by the downstairs scullery maid with no magic transformation whatsoever taking place..:oops:

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