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iPF lags

The iPF app tends to get laggy quickly, as in, when typing, it freezes for a while and I can type a whole sentence, but only when I finish typing does the app show the letters, it doesn't even highlight the keys being touched, unless I type slowly.

This is not always the case and restarting the iPF app does solve the issue temporarily. However, at the current rate do I have to restart it about 3 times an hour.

Of course I don't have any info on how the app functions, but I suspect that the inbuilt browser never closes a website, even when returning to the standard iPF interface.

This only occurs on iPad 2, though. On iPad 1, the app always runs smooth, but crashes more frequently.

Has anyone else experienced these lags?
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I've not had many problems with app apart from occasional crash but I have iPad original so don't know about iPad 2 - lucky you!
The lag seems to be related to viewing external media. If I stay within the iPF app, i.e. don't follow links to websites, YouTube videos and images, the lag does not appear, even after longer times.

Something rather odd is, that YouTube videos sometimes keep running in the background, they just keep running, even after switching to other threads, which also makes it hard to stop, because I need to remember from which thread I opened the video.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
The lag seems to be related to viewing external media. If I stay within the iPF app, i.e. don't follow links to websites, YouTube videos and images, the lag does not appear, even after longer times.

Something rather odd is, that YouTube videos sometimes keep running in the background, they just keep running, even after switching to other threads, which also makes it hard to stop, because I need to remember from which thread I opened the video.

I don't think I've had that problem apart from having to restart the iPad when it crashed a few times and when that didn't work, I did the close Multi task app and voila it worked again.
Not sure what is causing the problem, but it still exists on iPad 2, despite ipad reboots and restarts of iPF.

The lags don't happen on iPad 1. But it is frustrating. I have to type entire sentences blind, because the keyboard stops responding and iPF doesn't show the text, before I make a 3sec break. Scrolling also gets very choppy.

It must be iPF related, because all other apps run fine, I can switch from laggy iPF to Safari and when typing the keyboard works fine.
While taking a stroll across the Tapatalk forum, did I stumble across this info:

"We also paid special attention on old cache clean up as it seems to affect the app performance and stability if you use the app A LOT."

Is there any chance this cache issue also occurs on iPF when used often? The thing is, on iPad 1 does iPF crash regularly when using it often and on iPad 2 does it simply get slower and slower.

Does any of the other regular posters use iPF and can confirm this?
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
While taking a stroll across the Tapatalk forum, did I stumble across this info:

"We also paid special attention on old cache clean up as it seems to affect the app performance and stability if you use the app A LOT."

Is there any chance this cache issue also occurs on iPF when used often? The thing is, on iPad 1 does iPF crash regularly when using it often and on iPad 2 does it simply get slower and slower.

Does any of the other regular posters use iPF and can confirm this?

I use it quite a bit on my iPad 1 but crashes are very rare.

The Archangel

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