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iPhone 4S saved two-year-old toddler (iPhone 4S 救 2 歲童一命)


iPF Novice
根據Worldmediaus報導, 早前於雲南蒙自市,一兩歲童跌落了一個 40 呎深的井中,救護人員到場後,多次用救生索試圖救出小孩。但因救生索設計給成人使用而使小孩多次滑出。其後救護人員聰明地使用 iPhone 吊到下方,查看小孩實際位置讓救生工具更準確地下放,最後成功救出小孩,身體沒大礙.

Earlier in Yunnan Province of China, a two-years-old child plunged into the 40ft shaft while playing with friends outside a small village near Mengzi City, in Yunnan Province. The concrete well's water level was more than 20ft below ground as mentioned by one of the rescue team.
Villagers raised the alarm after they heard him crying, tossing down a rope to which he clung for about an hour as they waited for the emergency services to arrive.
When the fire service arrived they struggled to pull the trapped toddler out of the narrow hole.
Emergency workers fed in a hose attached to an oxygen canister to keep the boy from suffocating, along with a line to hoist him up.
But as they had only harnesses designed for adults, the terrified child kept slipping from their grip.

Then, in a stroke of genius, the rescue team taped an Apple smartphone to a rope, lowering it into the narrow shaft so its video function could show them how best to loop the straps around the boy. Doctors at a nearby hospital said the boy was left bruised but not seriously injured.

Below is the incredible footage was recorded as firefighters in China used an iPhone camera to seek out a two-year-old boy who had fallen down a well.



1) iPhone 4S 救 2 歲童一命
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Very quick thinking. Thank goodness a success story.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Very quick thinking. Thank goodness a success story.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF

Thank you, Hayles66.

Yes I do agree with you. We should know how to untilize our technology in a smart way instead of playing games only (although it is fun)...^^

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