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ipod touch folder on my laptop


iPF Noob
I used to have an iPod touch but no longer as I have an iPhone and an iPad. In the pictures directory on my laptop there is a directory called “iPod photo cache” with hundreds of files, it seems to be updating itself still even though I don't have an iPod touch. Is it safe to delete it as I sync my pictures with Dropbox and need the space the folder is taking up on Dropbox.

Many thanks in advance for any help.!

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Hi Tecknoes - the iPod Photo Cache is a generic term for the folder that stores the photos that are optimized for display on your iPod, iPad, or iPhone. This occurs whenever these devices are synced via iTunes; the folder can be deleted to 'free up space' on your computer but will be reduplicated in the next sync, regardless of which device is used and the photos on that device - photos that are duplicated on multiple devices will also be repeated in the photo cache since 'optimization' is different for each. Now if you are not syncing to iTunes any more, I assume the folder will not be re-created.

Now one of my reasons for replying is that I'm facing the same situation w/ my old VISTA laptop, i.e. running our of HD room! My 'iPod Photo Cache' is now over 60 MB - not huge but my HD on this computer has just 14 GB left so reluctant to put on more music or download other programs; of course, my solution is a new lappie w/ a much larger HD but waiting until the newest Apple & MS OSs are released - :)

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