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iPF Novice
Hi all,
I bought an iPod touch for my wife this Christmas as she likes to go running a lot. When I set it up for her, I saw that it had as many, if not more apps, on it as my iPad 3. One of the extra apps is the Nike +iPod. I realise that the iPod has no GPS but even so I set up the playlists on the iPod and entered details into the app. Then, when I was told to walk around and activate my sensor I realised the futility of what had done.
I went onto eBay and found a sensor kit NIKE+ PLUS TRAINING ATHLETIC RUNNING SHOES IPOD SENSOR SPORTS KIT NEW however, when I read about this particular item it showed that it was for an iPod nano. Can anyone please tell me if there is a kit for the iPod touch and if so where I could get one for my wife?
Apparently, the iPod sensor works without GPS. Here is the item description ........ Device that helps you set your running times, playlist, goals, etc. Fits in any Nike+ and works with iPod, touch or iPhone 3GS. Set distances, calorie goals - all to your favourite playlists. As you run, your iPod or iPhone 3GS tells you your time, distance, pace, and calories burned. Keeps track of all your workouts so you can track and compare them .......
Not as good as Adidas MiCoach which actually monitors your route and profiles it. That does require GPS however.
Hope that answers your query.

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