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Is 16gb enough?

iLloyd said:
I regret getting my 16gb iPad 1. Really wish i had got the 32gb or even 64gb. As i download alot of movies and large memory games I find myself constantly backing the files up on my computer.. I was going to upgrade but im just going to made do with wht I have at the moment and wait outside an apple store overnight for the release of the iPad 3 64gb or even higher fingers crossed :)

But wait! It's the season of giving. Gift your
16G and wrap an iPad2 64G for yourself :)
AdmiralAdama said:
But wait! It's the season of giving. Gift your
16G and wrap an iPad2 64G for yourself :)

You've got me thinking there...
ipad987 said:
It would depend entirely on what type of user you are. I have about 5 films, about 10 Simpsons episodes, 3 games and about 5 apps and already the 16gb is full. I personally think Apple is being a bit stingy with storage and the base model should be 32 gb at the price point of the current 16gb model.

Why do you keep the flicks on the iPad? How many times are planning to watch them anyway? Just load what you need then delete when done.
Well, part of the change is that tablets, specifically the iPad are not conventional at all! With all of the different "offline" storage systems available and the fact that you can do some of your own housekeeping to keep plenty of room on your iPad. Its not like regular PCs where 75 GB of RAM and 1,000 Terabyte hard drives are required just to install Microsoft Office :D.

IMO, there is no reason to spend an extra $200 or more dollars just to get the biggest iPad you can get. If the 16 GB or 32 GB does it for you then get it and dont worry about it. If the price difference was trivial then thats one thing but a few hundred bucks is a few hundred bucks. You can get lots of apps for $200 bucks! As others have pointed out - you dont need all 4500 of your songs on the device at once...do ya?

You don't "need" a tablet at all, lol. It's a convenience item, and some people are willing and able to spend more on storage. Simple as that.

For me, avoiding the bother of loading and reloading content is easily worth a few hundred bucks. It doesn't take any skill to "manage" content; I'm just not interested in doing it.
Kaykaykay said:
You don't "need" a tablet at all, lol. It's a convenience item, and some people are willing and able to spend more on storage. Simple as that.

For me, avoiding the bother of loading and reloading content is easily worth a few hundred bucks. It doesn't take any skill to "manage" content; I'm just not interested in doing it.

Sure thing...I just wanted to point out that people shouldn't feel obligated to purchase the 64 gb model due to worrying about storage. I think many would be fine with 16 or 32. There is no skill required for content management but it does require a little tinkering on the users part.

All good!
16GB is fine, if you have access to your computer. Being a trucker who is away from home for a week at a time I do not.

Re-reading this thread has made me realize that all I need is a MacBook. Problems solved. Hopefully Santa is good to me this year.
iLloyd said:
I regret getting my 16gb iPad 1. Really wish i had got the 32gb or even 64gb. As i download alot of movies and large memory games I find myself constantly backing the files up on my computer.. I was going to upgrade but im just going to made do with wht I have at the moment and wait outside an apple store overnight for the release of the iPad 3 64gb or even higher fingers crossed :)

seagate has a 500 gb wif portable hard drive just for iPads it's small has battery last up to 6 hrs it's 199.00 you could put a ton of movies on it .

from USA bucks county pa Sent from my iPad using iPF
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Can I use a externa hard drive to watch films on my iPad and way external hard drive can I use

Can I convert movies to my iPad 2

Know what you can do? Stop hi-jacking this thread and posting continuously to up your post count. Got it?

I will let you even use him, then start your own thread.

It's not nearly enough for all of my music. Even the 64 gigs doesn't hold it all. Once iPhones and iPads get to the 120 gig mark I will be very happy.
EricMahan said:
It's not nearly enough for all of my music. Even the 64 gigs doesn't hold it all. Once iPhones and iPads get to the 120 gig mark I will be very happy.

iPod classics got there so i dont see why not
So far 16G is fine with me. I remove movies from Ipad once I have viewed them and keep track of music I listen to. Someday would like to get a 64G IPad but that is way in the future. LOL.
I think it depends most on what else you have in addition to your iPad. I got the 16gb because I have a 64gb iPhone where I keep most of my music and media. If you don't have an iPhone or iPod and intend to use your iPad heavily for storing media, then don't shoot yourself in the foot by getting the smaller 16gb version..
The more and more I think about it, 16GB is plenty. It just takes a little more time to add and remove things to make room, but I still have several gigs free.
O have the 32gb, this allows practical room for films on plane trips. Tbh if i hade 64gb the battery life would not mean i'd be able to play any more films in one load.
GoPackGo said:
The more and more I think about it, 16GB is plenty. It just takes a little more time to add and remove things to make room, but I still have several gigs free.

Thats what ive been doing which has been ok.. Just next time im going to get the 32 or 64 just to minimise the amout of times i have to back up my movies

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