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Is 16gb enough?

16 gb will do..

Hi, I just bought my iPad few weeks ago, I bought from the apple store and first bought a 16 gb , but then thought that the apps may take up space, I'm just using it for web, but I called tech support and the guy told me if it's just for the web u should be fine with 16gb, but I thought what if I want lots of apps, he said there are only a few apps that are 1 or 2 gigs, and that he has a 32 gb iPad and is not even close to having 16gb used up. But I thought what if I use up all the 16gb space, well he said there is no way to open it up and change hard drive, I felt I should play it safe and get the 32 gb iPad, so I went back to apple store a few hours later and spoke to manager and told him I want the 32.. He said after you open the box you will have to pay 50 restocking fee, I smooth talked him and he exchanged the 16 for the 32.. No charge.

But now I wish I stuck with 16gb, I mean ur paying 100 bucks for an extra 16 gb, 16 gb on eBay cost like 5 bucks in flash cards, and apple is charging 100 bucks!

Also they have Bluetooth flash memory adaptors now, check it out on eBay..
I didn't want to take any chances so I went for the 64 gig model. I have filled about 20 gigs so far but am slowing down in the filling and starting into the serious playing.
I decided to play it safe and go with the 32GB model. I am glad that I did. I still have plenty of room, but I have room to put some video on when I want to for trips.
I work from home and seldom travel much anymore, so 16GB is fine for me...and my wife. I had to buy 2 (as she would have to have one too) so that bumped up my total cost :(
Everyone above has made good points.
I would only add that if you do much travelling the larger model would be more useful.
Used mainly at home with a vnc app and air video app connecting your iPad to your main computer 16gb will do just fine.
I think the 32gig is the way to go. There is a chance of running out of space with the 16 and it's not worth it to have to buy a new one once you do.

Agreed. I regret not bumping up to a larger model.

I currently have 2 gigs of music, 7 - 800 megs of pictures, 5 gigs of apps and about 2.5 gigs of "Other" which mostly consist of comics.

I've got 4 gigs free, but that leaves me just enough room to have maybe 2 movies at HD quality... which is important for me, but I KNOW my kids don't care... sigh.

So if we go on a really long trip, I know I'm going to run into issues unless I dump down the file size of the vids. Or dump off the audio...

I figure most HD movies at about 90 minutes will hit about 1.5 gigs.

That leaves me with, if I take off the audio, about 3 movies... Ugh. Not enough!

Do I wish I'd have gone bigger?

Oh yes. Yes I do.

I go on five or six week long business trips a year and like to watch movies at night, particularly in China, where there is little to do in the evening. So I have the 64gb wifi model.
Its simple really...

Buy the one with the most storage capacity that you can afford. There is no down side to having unused space! But remember, if you buy a 16gb unit because that's the advice you got from a bunch of strangers on an Internet forum and later find out that you should have bought the 32 or even the 64, DO NOT come back here and ask us to pay the restocking fee for you!
I think the 32gig is the way to go. There is a chance of running out of space with the 16 and it's not worth it to have to buy a new one once you do.

Agreed. I regret not bumping up to a larger model.

I currently have 2 gigs of music, 7 - 800 megs of pictures, 5 gigs of apps and about 2.5 gigs of "Other" which mostly consist of comics.

I've got 4 gigs free, but that leaves me just enough room to have maybe 2 movies at HD quality... which is important for me, but I KNOW my kids don't care... sigh.

So if we go on a really long trip, I know I'm going to run into issues unless I dump down the file size of the vids. Or dump off the audio...

I figure most HD movies at about 90 minutes will hit about 1.5 gigs.

That leaves me with, if I take off the audio, about 3 movies... Ugh. Not enough!

Do I wish I'd have gone bigger?

Oh yes. Yes I do.


Just curious....what program are you using to convert movies?
I too ordered a 16gb one b/c i plan on putting it on CL when IPad2 comes out next April. [Now.... the question is, 3G or not to 3G????......so i ordered both from the Apple store- should give me time to make up my mind]

Thank you y2k...that is something to consider as well!
I thought of getting a 16 GB but realized if you add $100 bucks more you'll have double the space. I bought a 32GB because I want to have room for apps, music, pics, videos, etc... Getting to the point: Its better to be safe then sorry. 16 GB is nice but add more you have a 32. I don't/ didn't want to buy a 64, because if I'm shelling out $700 plus tax for an iPad, I can buy a used macbook, macbook pro off Craigslist/ebay for $650-800. And it has more memory. But in the end, its totally up to you. Just my thoughts.

After buying a 16GB wifi iPad I wish I had spent 100 more for the 3g/GPS option. I don't need 3g but would have loved the GPS.
As far as for the memory, 16GB are enough for me. I mainly use my iPad for web browsing and reading mags. No vids and no music so far. Even if I would put music on it, the music I really like doesn't take up more than 2-4 GB.
But that's just me :)

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