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Is it harmful to do a reset vs a restart?


iPF Noob
I read somewhere that there's a distinction between 2 methods of restarting/resetting the iPad:

1) Restart the iPad: press and hold down the sleep/wake on the front of the iPad for few seconds until the red slider appears, slide this across to shut the iPad down. Restart the iPad by pressing the Sleep/wake button on the top until the Apple logo appears

2) Reset the iPad: if restarting the iPad didn't work then you will need to reset the iPad. You can do this by pressing the Home button and the Sleep/wake button on the top the iPad's case and holding them down together for 10 seconds. The iPad should then reset itself.

My iPad froze and I performed the 2nd Procedure above (Reset) without trying the first one (Restart). Is it generally harmful for the iPad to be reset compared to being restarted?

I have a 2nd question: After I did the procedure for the hard reset and got back to my Home Screen, I noticed that all my apps (e.g. Email, games, safari etc.) still appeared on the task bar (running?) . Is this supposed to be the case when you do a hard reset?

There is absolutely no harm in resetting or cycling the power to your iPad.

The apps in your task bar will remain there until you delete them.
For the record, resetting should NOT be done unless your iPad is frozen or cant otherwise be restarted normally. It s not a 100% safe method of rebooting the iPad. The OS is given no opportuniy to finsh what it is doing and there is a risk, however small, of corruption. I have witnessed this on several phones, and heard of several others through forums.
If you think resetting is a good method to reboot, tell me, do you also reboot your desktop or laptop by holding down the power button for 10 seconds? It is the same principle.
A reset is intended to be a last resort if the OS stops responding or hangs. You should not use it as a safe method to reboot.
I was referring to the OP's situation of being frozen when there is no alternative. I was not suggesting it be done for any other reason.
I was referring to the OP's situation of being frozen when there is no alternative. I was not suggesting it be done for any other reason.

Yup, I agree, but wanted to guard against misinterpretation because I read the OPs question about it being "generally" OK slightly differently... He used reset correctly, but was asking if it was generally a good thing to do...

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