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is it worth it


iPF Noob
Im trying to decide wether or not its worth my time to buy a new Ipad Air, Ive read so much about the low Ram reloading problem, poor screen quality yellowing or gray one side or the other. Ive been waiting for the Air or should I say Ipad5 to come out and now I feel like it maybe it may be a black hole.

Is it really a bad as Ive read or should I spend the $900 and buy one?

Only you can decide what you want to do in the end. I have been very pleased with my Air and so have many others. The issues you mention are real but they don't affect as large of a number of users as it seems. Remember, on forums like this you will only usually hear the bad news. That's because posts that say everything is working fine are boring to read and don't require any replies or thought! Squeaky wheel gets the grease type of thing. The safari problems appear to be software related and therefore fixable via an iOS update. The screen uniformity issue is also rather minor when viewed against how many good screens there are out there.

IMO, you should go ahead and get an Air. It's great device and is apples best tablet to date. That's what I think.
I picked up a 16Gig WiFi/Cellular Air just before Christmas.. (I upgraded from an iPad 1). I'm pleased with it. The screen looks GREAT and I've had no problems at all.
Not sure what you mean by low RAM reloading problem. iOS RAM management has been top notch for years. The mechanism is still the same on the ARM64 devices
Neither problem you mention holds water for me. I come from the iPad 2 and the Air runs apps faster and more smoothly and i think the screen is fantastic. Makes me want to update my newish mini just for the screen.
As s2mikey has said, you only hear of any with problems with an iPad. If you take into account the millions of iPads that are sold, then this figure becomes very small indeed.

I have upgraded from an iPad 2 (plus the first mini) and I'm loving the Air and have not experienced the problems you've listed.....no problems at all actually. It is that much quicker and the screen is just wonderful, so much so, that now I really notice the pixelation on my iPad 2, whereas I never noticed it before at all.

The size factor and weight is so much better also in my opinion and I wouldn't hesitate in recommending an Air to anyone.

I even think the look of IOS7 is so much better on this iPad also, it really brings it more to life with the retina screen.
The screen of the Air is the bomb. That alone is worth its weight in gold.

Have had mine for a month now and had every iPad model since the first one. The Air is the definitely the best to date and only the mini retina deserves a place beside it.

The yellow tint problem is real. I had that problem with the Air wifi I first got so I exchanged it for an Air Cellular. This one's screen was faultless.

I think I'm keeping this for the next two years at least. It's that good....

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
You should go look at one before worrying about issues. The Air has wonderful screen (I saw it the other day and wanted one even though I have too many tablets already). If you have yellowing problems, the odds of which are low, then just take it back for an exchange or return it. iOS 7.1 should appear fairly soon, too.
Its obvious the place you read are iOS haters.

1 GB of RAM is great. You know why android devices have 2 GB or more RAM? And why iOS has dual cores but android has quad cores? Its because android is unstable, and not fully optimized. Android devices have monster specs but the still show terrible performance.

About screen greyness and yellowing, the device they used must be fake, broken, or otherwise using F.lux or just lying.
Another thing I wish to add is that iPad consistenly trumps all other tablets in battery longevity. I've had Samsung tabs and the nexus 7 as well in addition to the iPads I've had since 2010, and there's just no contest here.

Hardware specs really don't mean nothing outside the OS context. IOS has consistenly been the most efficient in resource management.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Not sure what you mean by low RAM reloading problem. iOS RAM management has been top notch for years. The mechanism is still the same on the ARM64 devices

My Chrome browser crashes once in a while, if I go into Settings/Usage/Diags there are a lot of memory errors that coincide with the crashes.

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