Lakerfanalways said:
Can I have 5-row keyboard installed too but I dont have to use them both at the same time? Like I can use swipe, then decide if I like it or not and then switch back to 5 row keyboard or is that not possible just want to be sure
Also want to know if this is version 0.1.0 since that is the only one I see when I do a search in Cydia
IIRC swype do not have a on/off settings so once installed it will be always on. Correct me if I'm wrong.
5 row kb however, u can choose to activate or not through winterboard.
So to answer your question (if I understand it correctly), Yes u can have 5 row kb installed (but not activated) together with swype and not use them both at the same time.
Like I mentioned in a previous post, using them both together messed up my backspace key so I had swype uninstalled.