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iTunes Cannot Sync Apps to Ipad

syarifah said:
Where is the agree button?i've searched for many times..but there is no agree button...sorry..i am a new user for iPad...so I need time to get use for all those applications...

Are you getting a window like this?


If you are, tick the box underneath the text then touch "continue".

The Archangel
syarifah said:
No...I don't get window like this...

Can you take a screenshot (press the on/off and home buttons together) then post it here, then, hopefully, we can assist?

The Archangel
syarifah said:
Sory...how to put the screenshot here after pressing the 2buttons together?

If you are using the IPF App then just hit the "advanced" button and you get the photo upload options. If you are using Safari, then, well, as I don't use that for uploading Images then I can't help you....let us know?

The Archangel
syarifah said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=28644"/>

This is the window after i pressed the itunes icon....

Ok, if you look at the bottom of the screen in that image you will see that you are on the downloads tab and the message that is on the screen is what shows when you don't have any downloads.

So, open iTunes App again and at the bottom of the screen, tap any of the other tabs, "music", etc.

The Archangel
I want to ask another question....can i download microsoft internet explorer?some website need us to view through internet explorer..really need your help...
syarifah said:
I want to ask another question....can i download microsoft internet explorer?some website need us to view through internet explorer..really need your help...

No, there are other browsers in the App Store and some may be able to mimic IE but you cannot install IE directly on an iPad.

The Archangel
syarifah said:
What is the browser that can view same as IE?

There appears to be a number of them.....


If you search the App Store for "Internet Explorer" you can then check out the results.

The Archangel

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