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iTunes has deleted my apps!?!?

The main problem is lazy people like me who don't bother reading manuals and just think it's simple and can do it ourself (unfortunately this is the majority of people).

Quady95 said:
The main problem is lazy people like me who don't bother reading manuals and just think it's simple and can do it ourself (unfortunately this is the majority of people).


I respectfully disagree. I read the manual and was still confused when it came time to sync and backup. So you can call me stupid if you want, but I have to draw the line at lazy. ;)
Quady95 said:
The main problem is lazy people like me who don't bother reading manuals and just think it's simple and can do it ourself (unfortunately this is the majority of people).


I respectfully disagree. I read the manual and was still confused when it came time to sync and backup. So you can call me stupid if you want, but I have to draw the line at lazy. ;)

This just shows that the manual is not good enough if it does not make it understandable, you are not stupid it's the manuals fault.
I have similar problems with iTunes app syncing, so where can I find the iTunes manual? I checked Apple site and the iTunes help, but could not find any detailed description on syncing application characteristics, such as those you're talking about in this thread. I'm sure Apple has wrote more than a paragraph about how syncing apps works, so if someone could provide a link, it'll be welcome. Thanks!
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Escadajr said:
I have similar problems with iTunes app syncing, so where can I find the iTunes manual? I checked Apple site and the iTunes help, but could not find any detailed description on syncing application characteristics, such as those you're talking about in this thread. I'm sure Apple has wrote more than a paragraph about how syncing apps works, so if someone could provide a link, it'll be welcome. Thanks!

You may have been to this page already from reading your post......but it is a good place to start http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1386 if the answer isn't here then there are various links on the page which hopefully will take you where you want to go.

The Archangel
Escadajr said:
I have similar problems with iTunes app syncing, so where can I find the iTunes manual? I checked Apple site and the iTunes help, but could not find any detailed description on syncing application characteristics, such as those you're talking about in this thread. I'm sure Apple has wrote more than a paragraph about how syncing apps works, so if someone could provide a link, it'll be welcome. Thanks!

You can also go into iBooks, go into the store and search "iPad user guide" and download it right into iBooks. It's free and will be at your fingertips whenever you need it. :)
I'm faced with this same scenario. Cannot find the right answer in the above mentioned links/documents.

I bought my iPad while on the road without my laptop, activated it in-store at the offering on the Apple salesperson.

Been using it for a couple week with many apps and saved data on the iPad.

Now I get it home, install iTunes and want to sync a couple movies - it is going to sync my apps too and likely wipe them. What happens to all the saved data? Based on things I have read, it might get smoked. I have backed up the iPad but honestly with my history of iOS devices, I'm not super confident of that either.

So since I have apps installed with saved data, how am I supposed to sync movies by itself? Anyone point me in the right direction in the documentation, I would love to see it.
RDaneel said:
I'm faced with this same scenario. Cannot find the right answer in the above mentioned links/documents.

I bought my iPad while on the road without my laptop, activated it in-store at the offering on the Apple salesperson.

Been using it for a couple week with many apps and saved data on the iPad.

Now I get it home, install iTunes and want to sync a couple movies - it is going to sync my apps too and likely wipe them. What happens to all the saved data? Based on things I have read, it might get smoked. I have backed up the iPad but honestly with my history of iOS devices, I'm not super confident of that either.

So since I have apps installed with saved data, how am I supposed to sync movies by itself? Anyone point me in the right direction in the documentation, I would love to see it.

How did you back up your iPad?

Have you downloaded all the apps onto your desktop that you bought on your iPad?
How did you back up your iPad?

Have you downloaded all the apps onto your desktop that you bought on your iPad?

When I connect it, it shows up just like any other iOS device and backs up. I can back it up no problem from all indications. (right-click device, back-up) It also backs up automatically when I connect it.

By default, my iTunes installation is not syncing info, apps, music, movies, etc. So right now on my iPad is just the content I have purchased via the device and downloaded through it.

I have performed the FILE >> TRANSFER PURCHASES FROM ROB'S IPAD and allowed it to transfer that information to my iTunes installation.

The problem is, if I attempt to sync music, movies or apps ... it wants to wipe all of the apps by default. I can go through the tedious process of check-marking all 72 apps and re-ordering them on the correct screens ... but I am worried this process will nuke all saved data on the device. It might put the apps back on the right pages with my manual intervention but I'm not confident of the end result.

Most of all, I'm looking for this sort of situation covered in a manual or doc somewhere. I agree that most of the documentation is right and works as advertised ... I'm just not sure this is one of those documented things. Frustrated if it isn't because the Apple crew were the ones who encouraged me to activate in store and start using right away. In hindsight I wish I had waited and not had this situation.

I appreciate the reply!
My belief is that if you were to sync apps and then do a restore from your backup, then it "should" put the data back on the apps. However, you must be careful with backups because iTunes only keeps one backup and you don't want the iPad to backup at the wrong time and overwrite the version that you want. I'm going to do some testing on my iPod. I'll reply with my findings.
Okay, here's what I did:

I wiped my iPod of all apps (this old iPod is what I use to test stuff with). Then I downloaded a new, free app onto the clean iPod. I loaded some settings on there and made some changes in the app. I then hooked it up to iTunes and checked the Sync apps checkbox. The box for "Automatically sync new apps" is unchecked. I saw that it only had two apps checked, iBooks and Angry Birds Rio Free (my new app). I then synced it and all the apps stayed the same, except that it did copy the game into my iTunes since that was new. When I started the game on my iPod, it had all my settings progress saved.

It seems to me that as long as the same apps are going to be synced, things will be alright.

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