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iTunes. Is it really so bad?

It runs OK on Vista for me but I still loathe it.

I just don't see why the iPad can't appear as just another file server in whatever OS is your poison (using SMB shares etc) like any other device. I assume that it has to do with iPod legacy and DRM or, most likely, making more from the iTunes store.

Basically I use it as little as possible, for backups and iOS upgrades. A wireless version, as rumoured, would lessen the pain.

It is probably the main reason that I will take a long hard look atvAndroid next time around.
glittergirl said:
Is there any way you could buy or borrow an external hard drive? I'm not really a computer person (just love mobile) but that way you could get a backup, even in stages if you have to work around crashes, and then import from that to the iMac? Just a thought. I've gone to storing almost anything of importance in the cloud in one place or another because my pc is so freeze-prone, but I don't have all that much to store other than photos and writing.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF

I have an external drive case with a half-terabyte drive in it, with USB and FireWire plugs. I also have an extra internal 2 terabyte drive inside the PC. I'll use that when the time comes, then leave the 2 terabyte drive in the case and use it as external storage for the iMac. The half-terabyte can go into the PC which I will probably find some use for. Only question is file system compatibility. The drives are all formatted NTFS and I believe MacOS uses a different file system. I'll make sure I have all my ducks in a row before I start the process in any case. Time spent on preparation will likely pay dividends.
Lol. I'm with you on that.

iTunes is a necessary evil, IMO. It does some things fine, some horribly. I've read that even Steve Jobs has griped about how parts of it worked (or didn't work). If he has problems with it, pity newbies.

The developers of Vista should be put on some kind of tribunal involving software crimes against humanity.

As a dedicated liberal I find capital punishment abhorrent. However, I'm willing to make some exceptions: animal and child abusers, Wall Street bankers, and Vista developers. Those responsible for iTunes, I'd be satisfied with 20 years in an Iranian prison.
Remove it ASAP. It slowed my pc to a crawl. It's not designed for windows pcs. It will work but it takes a very long time to set up your iPad for example. Even when not running iTunes will slow your pc to a near stall. Love my iPad2.
As a dedicated liberal I find capital punishment abhorrent. However, I'm willing to make some exceptions: animal and child abusers, Wall Street bankers, and Vista developers. Those responsible for iTunes, I'd be satisfied with 20 years in an Iranian prison.

As a dedicated member of the "Get off my Lawn" Political Party (Cranky Independent) I support this statement

I ran itunes on Vista for a while and didn't have that much grief with it. But I didn't use it that heavy since I am really not into music that much mainly used it to put Audiobooks and podcasts on my old iPhone 3G. I am currently running iTunes on my Windows 7 pc and it runs a little better but I still HATE itunes with a deep passion especially since this weekend itunes wiped my whole iPad when I tried to add a few videos of my kid. Had to restore and lost my jailbreak now stuck on 4.3.5

To the OG poster. Win 7 is on amazon at about $99 I would seriously consider the upgrade if you spare (or bribe a college student to get buy a cheap student copy)
To the OG poster. Win 7 is on amazon at about $99 I would seriously consider the upgrade if you spare (or bribe a college student to get buy a cheap student copy)

+1. Your entire life will improve. Sunrises and sunsets will be more beautiful. Food will taste better. You won't yell at your kid (so much.) Your SO will thank you. One word of advice, though. Save your files. Format your disk and install from the bottom up. DO NOT simply upgrade Vista to Win 7. It may seem to work but there are demons who will haunt you. Vista, like a vampire, must be killed with a stake in the heart. I tried the easy route and nine months later had to start over after the poison of uneliminated Vista had made my system unusable.
+1. Your entire life will improve. Sunrises and sunsets will be more beautiful. Food will taste better. You won't yell at your kid (so much.) Your SO will thank you. One word of advice, though. Save your files. Format your disk and install from the bottom up. DO NOT simply upgrade Vista to Win 7. It may seem to work but there are demons who will haunt you. Vista, like a vampire, must be killed with a stake in the heart. I tried the easy route and nine months later had to start over after the poison of uneliminated Vista had made my system unusable.

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I love ITunes, works fine on my Windows 7 pc. To my ears, the sound quality of the ITunes player is better than Windows Media Player.
I love ITunes, works fine on my Windows 7 pc. To my ears, the sound quality of the ITunes player is better than Windows Media Player.

I have no problem with iTunes as a media player. The problem is using a media player to manage applications on a separate device. Roughly equivalent to using an automobile to plow a field.
jonkay182 said:
I love ITunes, works fine on my Windows 7 pc. To my ears, the sound quality of the ITunes player is better than Windows Media Player.

It's not just your ears. My wife wanted to know what was wrong with the computer because it sounded terrible. She was using WMP. I restarted the song in iTunes and it sounded infinitely better.

I read somewhere that WMP deliberately degrades the quality of anything that was ripped with a different program, which rings true for me.

I usually use VLC if I'm in front of the computer, or iTunes if I want to control it remotely from my iPhone.
Like so many others have said, it's probably Vista. I'm running a 4 year old Hackintosh HP that came with Vista. It was easier to hack OSX onto the computer than it was to get Vista to connect to the internet so it could download the drivers that would let Vista connect to the internet (yes, it was that convoluted).

As for iTunes, my transition to the program was hesitant, but now I love the program. Once you get the quirks figured out, it becomes quite simple to work with.
Like so many others have said, it's probably Vista. I'm running a 4 year old Hackintosh HP that came with Vista. It was easier to hack OSX onto the computer than it was to get Vista to connect to the internet so it could download the drivers that would let Vista connect to the internet (yes, it was that convoluted).

As for iTunes, my transition to the program was hesitant, but now I love the program. Once you get the quirks figured out, it becomes quite simple to work with.

What have you figured out about a better shopping experience in the app store, for instance? You can spend your life shopping for apps or resort to an app like App Shopper, or recommendations, as far as I know. I don't see crummy shopping experience as a quirk, lol.
Kaykaykay said:
What have you figured out about a better shopping experience in the app store, for instance? You can spend your life shopping for apps or resort to an app like App Shopper, or recommendations, as far as I know. I don't see crummy shopping experience as a quirk, lol.

Read the posts on iPF! I snagged EA Tiger Woods Golf for free and Risk! for $3 after reading about EAs sale on here. Now THAT was a good shopping experience.
What have you figured out about a better shopping experience in the app store, for instance? You can spend your life shopping for apps or resort to an app like App Shopper, or recommendations, as far as I know. I don't see crummy shopping experience as a quirk, lol.

What does the App Store have to do with itunes? How is the App Store a crummy shopping experience? I haven't had any issues whatsoever with it. Much to the contrary, it's been one of the easiest things I've used.
Jsh1120, I guess I'm confused (no sarcasm, I really am confused). How is managing your applications using a media player a problem? What difficulties are you experiencing? I'm sort of late to the party.

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