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Itunes season pass for video ?

I have an iPad 2 that we mirror Doctor Who season pass onto our flatscreen as we don't have cable/sat.
We watched them all & I deleted them off my iPad but every time I start iTunes for any device(iPods, pad, or just to play music on my PC), it tries to redownload all the episodes. I've deleted the episodes over & over, paused the downloads, etc but every single startup, there it goes again!
Ugh. I don't need these GB hogging videos on my PC or ipad(I have it set to "no auto sync" because of this issue).
How do I permanently get them off my "purchased" list? I just want them to stop redownloading!
I have the newest itunes(but it has done this with every other iTunes version I've had so far anyways).
Ok, I don't know how you are set up, so if I get this wrong just say so.

In iTunes on the computer, select your iPad from the Devices list, then select Movies from the top. Turn off syncing. Apply.

It will remove any movies currently synced to the iPad, so don't' be surprised when they are no longer there.

Now, when you want a movie on the iPad open the Movie library from the list on the left, then drag the movie on top of the iPad under the Devices list. Because you are no longer syncing, only movies you copy manually this way will go to the iPad, and when you delete them from the iPad they will stay deleted.
Is there anyway to prevent them from continuing to try to download to my laptop in the first place? It slows down my wireless & makes my computer run slow trying to process all that info(19 episodes at nearly 1gb a pop). And I'd rather not have them on there anyways since we've watched them already(or else I'd just let them finish & ignore that they were on my HD). So far, selectively checking manually what videos are to sync to my iPad & my sons' touches has kept them off the devices. But I want to just get rid of them altogether or permanently stop them from trying to download to my PC via iTunes in the first place. So far, selecting & deleting them only works in that iTunes session. The very next time my iTunes starts, they show up & try to download all over again.
If I accidentally deleted something by mistake, lord knows I'd never get it back! But since I WANT these gone, they keep coming back....like zombies or an STD;(
It is almost impossible to clear a movie or download from iTunes queue until is has successfully finished downloading. iTunes is determined that you get what you paid for.

Once it's done, you should be able to delete it and it will stay deleted, especially with movies. On the other hand, if you are paying for those movies it's a shame to delete them. You'll have to buy them all over again if you want them. Movies aren't like music, book, apps, or TV shows. You don't get to download them again for free.

A season pass automatically queues up new movies when they are available. That's what it does. When I do this (and I haven't for a long time) I would end up stopping the downloads whenever I needed to use iTunes; then I'd open iTunes again just before I went to bed and start the downloads. For long files this could take a couple days to clear the queue.

If you really don't want the movies, or of something is going wrong and they keep downloading again and again as you seem to be saying, the only way I can think of to stop the movies from downloading would be to contact iTunes support and ask them to remove them from you queue. Support links are at the bottom of the iTunes Store.

I'm still not 100% sure exactly what you are doing between the iPad and iTunes that would cause them to download to the computer as well as the iPad. It might be automatic, because you wouldn't get the full HD versions otherwise. When you send your request to iTunes support, you might ask them that as well.
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I'll have to call them. I just don't need 18 gig of shows we have watched & have no intention of rewatching ever again taking up space on my computer HD. I just don't want to store them, if you know what I mean.
Sure. I can understand that. I dumped a bunch of TV shows a few years ago. I was pleasantly surprised when the new iCloud services made it possible for me to download them again if I want.

Let us know how it goes, if you don't mind.

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