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ITunes was unable to load provider data from Sync Services.


iPF Noob
Getting this error each time I do a sync "ITunes was unable to load provider data from Sync Services....'
This is my first Apple product the Ipad and love it ...
My setup: laptop running win7 64 and the latest itunes (9.1)
I get the error msg each time I sync I then hit ok and I then can copy files to the Ipad and all seems to work. But not familiar with Itunes so not sure if I am missing something here.
Tried a few things from the web with no luck like stopping and restarting the apple mobile services.
I never had any other itunes on this system before.
any ideas?
Bump... Am I the only one having this issue? Is this just a common error that all know about, but me :(
Unable to load provider data from Sync Services

I had the same problem, running Windows 7 64bit on my laptop and loading iTunes 9.1, first version of iTunes installed on this computer and first iphone. I found the following advice on another forum and it fixed it, no reboots or anything else involved.

just copy everything from apple application suppport to mobile device support. PROBLEM solved.

To find this folder I opened my C: drive, Program files (x86), Common Files, Apple, then you will find both folder you need. Open the Apple Application Support folder, select everything in here and copy. Back out of this folder then open the Mobile Device Support folder and paste the copied files, close this, open iTunes and then plug in your iPhone, it should then finally recognized the iPhone and run you through the setup process.

Good luck and hope it works, I was very frustrated too when encountering this problem.
I had the same problem, running Windows 7 64bit on my laptop and loading iTunes 9.1, first version of iTunes installed on this computer and first iphone. I found the following advice on another forum and it fixed it, no reboots or anything else involved.

just copy everything from apple application suppport to mobile device support. PROBLEM solved.

To find this folder I opened my C: drive, Program files (x86), Common Files, Apple, then you will find both folder you need. Open the Apple Application Support folder, select everything in here and copy. Back out of this folder then open the Mobile Device Support folder and paste the copied files, close this, open iTunes and then plug in your iPhone, it should then finally recognized the iPhone and run you through the setup process.

Good luck and hope it works, I was very frustrated too when encountering this problem.

OMG that work like a charm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Thank you I can now sleep at night, as this was driving me crazy.
Now do I need to keep the files that I copied over in the apple application support folder?
Again thanks..
Colin outs that in his memory bank to help local cusomers when they have problems with win 7 64bit. Thanks for that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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