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Jail broken device to iOS 5


iPF Noob
How can I update my iPad 2 wifi only device to iOS 5? FYI, I jaibreaked iOS 4.3.3 on my device. Do I need to restore my device? What is the effect to all apps I downloaded to my jail broken device. Thank you. Need help so much.
If you want to keep your jailbreak, do NOT upgrade it to iOS5. There is no jailbreak - at the moment - for iOS 5 on an iPad2.

If you want iOS 5 and are willing to give up your jailbreak, then put your iPad into DFU mode (instructions here: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html) and allow iTunes to install that firmware version. You will lose any/all the jailbreak apps you got from Cydia, but it will not affect any apps you got from the App Store.

Hope this helps.


P.S. I've also moved this thread over to the Hacking section as it's a better fit there...
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So, none of the non-cydia/apple apps will be affected? Also, if a jb comes out for iOS 5 would I be able to get my purchases I made on 4.3.3 cydia back? Or would I have to pay for them again?

Also, can I backup a jailbroken device via iTunes? And if chose to restore from that backup, what would happen? Would it keep everything but the cydia stuff?

I'm really new to this stuff and don't want to take a chance in loosing my info/settings on my iPad.

Any help will be appreciated!

Cydia apps would be affected. It is only Apple App Store apps that will not be affected.
And an iTunes backup does not back up your jailbreak. You have to get a Cydia app for that. No matter what, if you upgrade to iOS 5 you will loose your untethered 4.3.3 jailbreak and all your Cydia apps and tweaks. So you can choose whether to go ahead and upgrade or wait for a iOS 5 JB.
To give you some comfort, Cydia operates the same policy as the AppStore. You have paid for your apps and you can download them again to any device which you jailbreak in the future.

Also, it is not true to say iTunes backup does not backup your jailbreak. Some setting related to JB apps are actually included in the iTunes backup. It entirely depends on what the tweak or app does and how it was coded by the developer. What iTunes does not do is back up ALL your Cydia applications and all their data. You should look into PkgBackup and xBackup from Cydia if you are interesting in backing up so that you can easily restore JB apps in the future.

Hope that helps.
Mickey330 said:
If you want to keep your jailbreak, do NOT upgrade it to iOS5. There is no jailbreak - at the moment - for iOS 5 on an iPad2.

If you want iOS 5 and are willing to give up your jailbreak, then put your iPad into DFU mode (instructions here: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html) and allow iTunes to install that firmware version. You will lose any/all the jailbreak apps you got from Cydia, but it will not affect any apps you got from the App Store.

Hope this helps.


P.S. I've also moved this thread over to the Hacking section as it's a better fit there...

Yesterday I read on apple news for ios5 thetrnd un untherend jb is available ....

Sent from my heart ,using my brain ..
Not to hijack but if I have a jb ipad 2 wifi, i saved shh but ran pda exploit fix after jb can i update to ios 5 and then go back to 4.3.3 and rejailbreak my ipad if I want to?
Not to hijack but if I have a jb ipad 2 wifi, i saved shh but ran pda exploit fix after jb can i update to ios 5 and then go back to 4.3.3 and rejailbreak my ipad if I want to?

As long as your device is WiFi only and you are sure you have saved blobs for 4.3.3, then you are fine to try out IOS5. If you want to restore back to 4.3.3 at any time, follow this tutorial - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-your-ipad-using-tinyumbrella-shsh-blobs.html

Hope that helps.
ercsliberty said:
hi, if i have ipad 2 3G with at&t , jailbroken, with 4.3.3 blobs saved, and i want to test ios5, will i be able to go back to 4.3.3 using TU or not? thanks

No. You will lose your JB on 4.3.3 forever as thing stand today.
dodgersrgood said:
if your going to install ios5 over the jailbreak do you HAVE to do it through dfu or can you just let itunes update it for you?

DFU is advised.

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