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Jail broken device to iOS 5

Sorry for giving wrong info regarding iTunes backing up Cydia tweaks. I never knew that some tweaks could be saved. Thanks for the info f4780y!
f4780y said:
Also, it is not true to say iTunes backup does not backup your jailbreak. Some setting related to JB apps are actually included in the iTunes backup. It entirely depends on what the tweak or app does and how it was coded by the developer. What iTunes does not do is back up ALL your Cydia applications and all their data. You should look into PkgBackup and xBackup from Cydia if you are interesting in backing up so that you can easily restore JB apps in the future.

Hope that helps.

So then it is entirely safe to backup your jailbroken iDevice and not worry about keeping copies of the 'before jailbroken' iDevice's backup? iTunes won't corrupt or the backup wont be corrupted because of the jailbreak either?

Sorry if these are very noob questions...I just want to make sure I'm 100% sure before I do something that might end up loosing all of my data, like my ever important school notes!! :D

I appreciate the help! Y'all have been very helpful.

Sent from my White iPad 2 using iPF
suffianstar said:
So when ios 5 jb for ipad 2 will come? I can' stand anymore. Now i use 4.3.5. So boring and still waiting"....

They are working on it...
Or @i0n1c is trollin' again. :P
I'm trying to update my 4.2.1 untethered jailbroken iPad to 5.0 with redsnow with no sucess!

I've downloaded ios 5 to ipad 1, and redsnow 0.9.9b5, I go to extras, select to use custom ipsw select the downloaded ios, then I go to jailbreak, select install cydia, DFU
Process runs and on boot it appears to icon to connect to itunes

I go to extras again select the ipsw and go to boot jailbroken and after that i just got the pineapple in my ipad screen but it don't go further!

if i shut it down and go to DFU and select only jailbreak (not selection the ipsw of ios5) it just boots my 4.2.1 again!
I'm trying to update my 4.2.1 untethered jailbroken iPad to 5.0 with redsnow with no sucess!

I've downloaded ios 5 to ipad 1, and redsnow 0.9.9b5, I go to extras, select to use custom ipsw select the downloaded ios, then I go to jailbreak, select install cydia, DFU
Process runs and on boot it appears to icon to connect to itunes

I go to extras again select the ipsw and go to boot jailbroken and after that i just got the pineapple in my ipad screen but it don't go further!

if i shut it down and go to DFU and select only jailbreak (not selection the ipsw of ios5) it just boots my 4.2.1 again!

You need to INSTALL iOS5 on your iPad BEFORE you try and jailbreak it. redsn0w does not install the operating system for you, it only jailbreaks it. See my tutorial here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lbreak-ipad1-ios5-tethered-using-redsn0w.html

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