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Just ordered my car mount...

Tried to contact ProClip - their web site has some problems with iPad mounts, wanted to see if I could get expedited shipping. No answer on the 800 number, no voicemail, nada. Doesn't inspire confidence...

Checked out the padholdr.com web site, looks very interesting, but no phone number to call, only email...
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Tried to contact ProClip - their web site has some problems with iPad mounts, wanted to see if I could get expedited shipping. No answer on the 800 number, no voicemail, nada. Doesn't inspire confidence...

Checked out the padholdr.com web site, looks very interesting, but no phone number to call, only email...

I've been meaning to add a number to my site. Padholdr.com's number is 253-333-7274

Most of our mounts require no drilling just bolting a bracket to factory bolts behind trim panels. We don't make a vent attachment either. All of our kits are vehicle specific.

Please tell me more about your mount. I do not like using air vent - for one thing it blocks the air, for another it doesn't seem secure enough for something this heavy and expensive.

Prefer email: wm (@) usa.net

Would have put this in a PM but haven't done enough posts yet...


Give me a call or email and I will answer all of your questions.
Spoke with Jim on the phone and ordered a mount for my '06 Sienna. I'll post here when I've had a chance to try it out.
To the OP: glad you're liking your setup.

For everyone else: I didn't have nearly as much luck with my Proclip mount. I found the so-called tilt-swivel attachment to be fairly cheap and flimsy. And although it has an adjustment screw, on mine it is simply not possible to tighten it enough without stripping the threads of the screw or cracking the [plastic] housing altogether to hold the iPad steady under routine driving conditions.

On the bright side, the vehicle-specific mount works as advertised. It very easily clips onto the specified section of your dash (mine is an '06 BMW 3-series w/ nav) and seems quite secure. It is easy to remove and re-attach without leaving any marks, etc. It's the holder itself (specifically the tilt-swivel mount) that is very disappointing to me.

I haven't tried calling them yet to see if perhaps I received a defective unit or not, but I will probably do that soon. Maybe they will come through in the end. We'll see. But so far, I'd be lying if I said I was satisfied with their product.
Spoke with Jim on the phone and ordered a mount for my '06 Sienna. I'll post here when I've had a chance to try it out.

Jeanette got everything out today. You will see it on Friday. Please post anything you like/dislike about the Padholdr.

Thanks again
I received the PadHoldr yesterday and installed it in my '06 Toyota Sienna. Some observations:

1) The PadHoldr itself is well made and good looking. I think it needs a few minor refinements; I sent an email to Jim with my comments.

2) The car mount bracket is from PanaVise. It was originally designed to hold phones and such, and is simply not up to the task of supporting the much heavier iPad and PadHoldr. The bracket for the Sienna attaches to a single 10 mm bolt which screws into a plastic socket in the dash - not what I want my $800 iPad hanging from! The bracket itself is thin of necessity to fit between the panels in the dash, but as such it is not stiff enough. The iPad wiggles from side to side constantly when the car is in motion.

The Sienna has a flip up center tray with cup holders attached to the driver's seat. I drilled 4 holes in the front right cup holder and bolted the PadHoldr base to this. This is an excellent solution! It puts the iPad in a very good location, easily reached and viewable. I didn't think I'd like it this low but after driving around for a day running GPS Drive HD and listening to a book from Audible, I think it's just fine. It doesn't block any controls or the air vents. It also keeps the iPad a bit more out of sight than if it were higher up.

I took a quick picture with my phone:

Another option might be to use a longer extension arm from PanaVise and a bracket of some sort to bolt it the passenger seat track. I've seen a solution similar to this on eBay (but it had a laptop tray on the top).

I keep my iPad in an Apple case; the PadHoldr comes with a different set of spacers intended to allow inserting an iPad which is in a case. I found that I needed to add some washers to make a little more room.

The iPad works best if you insert it "upside down". Otherwise it's pretty difficult to reach the volume control or power switch. I suggest turning it around and setting the rotate switch to lock the postition before you insert it in the PadHoldr. A couple of times driving when I hit a bump the screen rotated and then came back.

This is sort of "off subject," however, I thought I would take a chance on asking. I know that ProClip makes mounts for vehicles only, however, I was wondering if any of you had any inside information on whether ProClip is planning a wheelchair mount.
I just wanted to do a follow up reply to the concerns William had with the mount in his Sienna. We do have solutions for the couple concerns William had.

1. The proper way to mount Padholdr is to use the Panavise vehicle specific bracket with the Padholdr arm. Once the Padholdr is installed to the bracket the left side of the Padholdr is to be pressed tight against the dash and the included bump it is installed to keep the Padholdr from vibrating or causing damage to the dash or Padholdr. When the bracket and bump it are used with the Padholdr the unit is very strong and doesn't vibrate while driving. I wish there was a stronger mount we could use, but the mount would be too thick to fit behind the panels in the dash. I have had the Padholdr installed in a few of my vehicles with the bracket and bump it and have had no problems with vibration.

2. When we designed the Padholdr to work with a case, it was designed to fit the Belkin Gel cases. I have had luck using the Padholdr with other iPad cases but not all. If you have a gel type case and the Padholdr you will have no problems with causing any type of scratches on the ipad over time.

Hopefully this answers a couple of concerns that people might have. I'm hoping that William is able to do some adjustments with the holder and give us a further review on how everything is working.

I just ordered in the beginning of this week RAM mount kit for my Audi.
It's not in the stock so let's see how long it takes. Hopefully it comes shortly.

Any experiences from anyone about RAM iPad products?
I just ordered in the beginning of this week RAM mount kit for my Audi.
It's not in the stock so let's see how long it takes. Hopefully it comes shortly.

Any experiences from anyone about RAM iPad products?

I ordered my ram mount in June, and I'm still waiting! They postponed it three times already.
I just ordered in the beginning of this week RAM mount kit for my Audi.
It's not in the stock so let's see how long it takes. Hopefully it comes shortly.

Any experiences from anyone about RAM iPad products?

I ordered my ram mount in June, and I'm still waiting! They postponed it three times already.

They answered to my query that they will start deliveries around 18th Aug.
Hopefully they will keep promises now.

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