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Keynote presentation om iPad 3

I am wondering if you can make the slide black during a keynote presentation. I mean, if you do a slideshow in powerpoint and use a PC the you can just press b on the keybord and the monitor gets black, its good when you want the audience to listen and not look at the pictures...
Can you do this Wien using an iPad???
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iPad 2 3G 64gb
Peter Hersvik said:
I am wondering if you can make the slide black during a keynote presentation. I mean, if you do a slideshow in powerpoint and use a PC the you can just press b on the keybord and the monitor gets black, its good when you want the audience to listen and not look at the pictures...
Can you do this Wien using an iPad???

No. You cannot.

☠ stay safe ☠ stay legal ☠
hpulmer said:
No. You cannot.

☠ stay safe ☠ stay legal ☠

I have never used Pages for a power point but couldn't you slip in photos that have been taken in a dark room so they are black.....wouldn't that give the appearance of a black screen? Just a suggestion, haven't a clue if it would work.

hpulmer....your eyes are freaking me out just a tad. :O

iPad 2 3G 64gb
leelai said:
I have never used Pages for a power point but couldn't you slip in photos that have been taken in a dark room so they are black.....wouldn't that give the appearance of a black screen? Just a suggestion, haven't a clue if it would work.

hpulmer....your eyes are freaking me out just a tad. :O

iPad 2 3G 64gb

Sorry leelai, that is my only pic with contacts removed ;)

I have tried the above (though it is more easy to insert a black shape instead of a dark photo). In keynote itself you cannot paste a link to that slide (which is possible in PowerPoint on the PC - I did not know about the "b" trick), so it would have to be placed exactly there where the OP would need the screen off... what I understand he just wants to have it go dark from time to time in certain moments when his audience does not pay the necessary attention to him...

How about remotely putting the beamer to energysave or (of course depending on the location of the beamer) placing a cardboard in front of the lens?

☠ stay safe ☠ stay legal ☠
Peter - just curious: are you displaying your presentation using an LCD projector? If so, don't those usually come with a separate controller? Mine does, and I believe it will allow you to black or freeze the screen. Might be wrong, but worth checking.
Bob11 said:
Peter - just curious: are you displaying your presentation using an LCD projector? If so, don't those usually come with a separate controller? Mine does, and I believe it will allow you to black or freeze the screen. Might be wrong, but worth checking.

I am interested in getting a projector for doing presentations. What kind are you using with yours? Would you recommend it?
I am wondering if you can make the slide black during a keynote presentation. I mean, if you do a slideshow in powerpoint and use a PC the you can just press b on the keybord and the monitor gets black, its good when you want the audience to listen and not look at the pictures...
Can you do this Wien using an iPad???

I'm probably wasting my time, since the OP hasn't been back; but in case anyone else is interested I stumbled on a workaround for this problem.

What you do is open another app with a display that you want. A black picture in Photos would work, or if you want something a little more aesthetic you could substitute any non-distracting photo. Open the desired photo full screen before you launch Keynote.

Now, whenever you want to blank your screen during the presentation use the four finger swipe to go back to the Photos app. Ta da, a black screen. Swipe back to Keynote of continue the presentation. The transition is ugly, jumps around a bit, but it works.
Any new developments on this after 3.5years? I connect my iPad Air to a big-screen TV via HDMI, and after showing a slide or two with Keynote, I want to blank the display. TV remote doesn't usually have a blanking ability other than on/off or change input setting etc.
The above suggestion will probably work, but is there any new options with Keynote for instance?
Any new developments on this after 3.5years? I connect my iPad Air to a big-screen TV via HDMI, and after showing a slide or two with Keynote, I want to blank the display. TV remote doesn't usually have a blanking ability other than on/off or change input setting etc.
The above suggestion will probably work, but is there any new options with Keynote for instance?

Two methods, one gimiky, the other simple but requiring you keep track of where you are.

Gimiky first, because it's more fun.

Interactive Links feature. I experimented with the feature and came up with something that works ok-ish.

First you create the blank or placeholder slide you want to use. The very end of the presentation is probably the best place. Or perhaps the first slide.

Next you go to the first slide and place a shape somewhere you'll easily remeber it exists (I used the bottom right corner); then create an interactive link for that shape that points to the placeholder slide. Go the the objects attributes and make it transparent in the Effects tab. Now copy and paste it to all slides. If you tap/hold off a slide (in edit mode) then paste from the pop-up menu the object will be pasted the the same position on the new slide. Or you can leave all the objects visible to paste, then go back and make them transparent manually.

(If you have a logo or other image that appears on all slides you could use this as your tap/link point)

On the placeholder slide go back and change the Interactive Link to "Last Slide Viewed".

Now when the slide show is being played you can tap the bottom right corner to go to the blank/placeholder slide. Tapping the corner again will return you to the previous slide.

If you know the places you want to blank the screen, you can add the object on only those slides, saving a fair amount of work. You could even use an unabtrusive image or shape for the link, both as a reminder to yourself to blank the screen, and making it easier to remember where to tap.


When you are presenting, swipe from the left edge of the screen. You will get your slide list. Select whatever slide you want to show, presumably a blank or non-attention-requiring picture. When done, slect the slide you left off at and continue.
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