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KML Files and Google Earth App


iPF Noob
Mar 19, 2011
Reaction score
New Mexico
Is possible to read a KML file in the Google Earth iPad app? I sent one to my iPad (through email) and when I clicked on it, it asked if I wanted to open it in GE, GE opened but no KML file showed up on GE ??
Hm, didn't know it was even possible, so I created a KML from Panoramio.com and mailed it to myself. Sure enough Mail knows that it should open in Google Earth. Unfortunately the Google Earth app throws up some kind of network error when trying to open the file.


Looks like a bug in the Google Earth app. The same file works fine with the OS X version

I could not find anything about the error with a quick Google search. Maybe someone else has an idea what is going on.
I don't get the network error like you got, just opens GE like normal but the kml file doesn't show up on GE...strange
Did you look under the Layers menu? Just a guess, since I can't load one to check myself.

I wonder if you need an account for that My Maps section for KML files to work.
Yep..first thing I checked was layers. I don't have a My Maps account, I'll have to try that.
Yes, you have to have a My Maps account, that brought it right up. Thanks for your help!

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