I have been recently using iPad o view live news via BBC iplayer as our house is undergoing work and a couple of tv's are down.
That's fine as we were using the home wifi, however I thought I'd closed the app before leaving home. That wasn't the case and seemingly the iPad has automatically connected to the mobile 3G network, used all our plans data for the month and then saddled us with an extra bil of £125 (so far)!
How can I ensure that the app is definitely closed or that 3G doesn't take over the connection?
That's fine as we were using the home wifi, however I thought I'd closed the app before leaving home. That wasn't the case and seemingly the iPad has automatically connected to the mobile 3G network, used all our plans data for the month and then saddled us with an extra bil of £125 (so far)!
How can I ensure that the app is definitely closed or that 3G doesn't take over the connection?