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Leaked iPad Case Suggests 9.7-inch iPad with Smart Connector, four speakers, & LED Camera Flash


Editor in Chief

Check out the leaked iPad case (with dummy unit) images above, and in the thread below. The most notable thing about this new 9.7-inch case is the extra spots that change-up the iPad design. The case design includes a slot for a Smart Connector which has been rumored for some time for the next iPad Air. It also includes openings for four speakers and an LED Camera Flash.

This suggests that the upcoming iPad Air 3 will have more in common with the iPad Pro than previously thought. In fact, it seems like you could speculate that the next generation 9.7-inch iPad will be like a miniaturized version of the iPad Pro.

For now, there is no additional corroboration that this leaked case is anything more than a prototype test unit, but at least we won't have to wait long to find out. The Apple unveiling event is scheduled for March 21st. Stay tuned for all the juicy details that day as we share them in real time.

Source: iGeneration
The problem with the opening for the smart connector is that the cutout is too small for an accessory such as a smart keyboard, which requires that the whole side of the case be open to allow the full length magnetic connector to work. Unless, of course, the smaller iPad Pro version will use a different design for a smart keyboard. I would expect, instead, to see a design similar to the Apple case for the current iPad pro in a smaller size.

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