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Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 HELP

Make sure you ride everything all the way through. Meaning- Spin until you get thrown off the merry go round thing, Bounce until you get the blue coin on the trampoline, WW sticky wall to get all the coins at the top, ride the horse, destroy the see-saw, and most importantly you go all the wall around on the swing. I don't think you get the brick unless you have gone around swing at least once, maybe twice.
Thanks! I did everything except get thrown off the merry-go-round, so I'll try that and see how it goes.
Year 5 chapter 5 iPad

Hi, I am stuck on the part where the wesleys are getting the dragon fireworks and they have to jump to get the broom, what do I do?

Thanks for the clear instructions on how to open the door with the lights in the first part of the cave. I have one question on step 13 (below). I can get the handle to appear and climb up on the first step....and then I'm stuck. I can't pull the steps out any further or get up to the top. Help!! What am I doing wrong?


8) Use the light to open the red wall
9) cut the circle and build the Apparation point.
10) Take back the light & Apparate away.
11) Put the light in the missing space- which removes the gate at the top.
12) Remove the light to the right- this will cause a handle to appear on the bottom step.
13) drag each step out. Jump up to parseltounge puzzle and solve it.
14) Leviate the apparation point over the water. (It guides itself...and if you do it wrong it floats back. Just try again if necessary.)
Literally a ditto.....Hi! I'm going crazy trying to duel Voldemort in the final level. I'm hoping someone can give me some tips. I am in the Courtyard and he twirls in green and there is nowhere to hide and I just keep shooting and losing. Any help out there?

Pleae and thank you!
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In year the hall of prophecies, after I have jumped to the top shelf and broken the orb, I go over and use wingardium to make the platform come up but I can't for the life of me get over the gap. Every time I try to jump I fall in. Any hints?
I am at the park that is dark, Legilimency: Park, and i am trying to do dark magic with the trash cans, but i cant, i even tried being fred or george and using their pets but it is not good. Any advice.
I am at the park that is dark, Legilimency: Park, and i am trying to do dark magic with the trash cans, but i cant, i even tried being fred or george and using their pets but it is not good. Any advice.

You need to use a dark magic character. That is, a death eater etc. You have to go back in free play with one of the dark magic characters you have, i used a death eater.
I know I have asked several questions and I have so appreciated every hint and help I have received. I really am stuck with Ron and Hermonine battling the snake. Anyone who has completed this part would you please share with me how to kill the snake. I am so puzzled.

Thanks in advance.

Took me starting over to finally figure it out. The deluminator's has given me trouble everytime they appear.
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I can't complete this game! I've got every character token from every level, every hat, every red brick, won every duel in duelling club yet I only have 98.4% completion and there are 4 characters still locked (3 between Griphook and Hagrid and 1 between Petunia and Professor Binns)! What am I missing? Please help someone!

I had the same problem. It turns out that I missed one of the multi-character tokens. It sounds like you missed the same one I had missed. The token you are looking for is in year 5 chapter 4 hall of prophecy.

Here are Multi-Character Tokens locations:

1) Year 5, Chapter 4, Hall of Prophecy: destroy the small bone pile on the left inside the arena.
2) Year 6, Chapter 4, 3rd area (with the goblets): destroy the small bone pile in the central area.
3) Year 7, Part 1, Chapter 1, The Wedding: Use Spectrespecs behind the ice statue, then use the gold ring to reach a little room, then blow up the presents.
4) Year 7, Part 2, Chapter 3, The Battlements: Destroy a small bone pile on the ground.

All credit for this list goes to TGSnowwy
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Literally a ditto.....Hi! I'm going crazy trying to duel Voldemort in the final level. I'm hoping someone can give me some tips. I am in the Courtyard and he twirls in green and there is nowhere to hide and I just keep shooting and losing. Any help out there?

Pleae and thank you!

I think you just have to accept to die all the time. It is annoying because u don't get anything done but at long last you will have collected everything. (Invincibility brick helps against that constant dying). You cannot beat Voldemort in this one. The last thing to do is move the statue in the front, destroy the knight on the right of the inner courtyard, pick up the shield, being shield to statue. That finishes V off, well, for now anyway.
In year the hall of prophecies, after I have jumped to the top shelf and broken the orb, I go over and use wingardium to make the platform come up but I can't for the life of me get over the gap. Every time I try to jump I fall in. Any hints?

If you have made it ove that gap, the next one is not that much more difficult. I used Weasley twins on recommendation of forum member (was it Joy?) and I also press the jump button long and only tap the ring of joystick pad button, in this case on the left side. Annoying but can be done eventually.

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