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Little less hate out there, already, ok???

I'm not saying nuffin'.

But bobsleigh and fondue? However did the world manage without em'????
And don't forget the best darn hot chocolate in the world!

And what about that little girl who ruined the last 65 seconds of the game between the New York Jets and the Oakland Raiders, played on November 17, 1968?


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I've noticed that the people giving the advice assume that the recipient knows the basics. A noob is a NOOB. Thats what it means! Give them a break! Be kind!
Cheese? I don't believe for one second they invented cheese........

Now where are those five famous Belgians again?
Hmm....the only hate that I see around are the pirates wanting free apps. They deserve anything rude that they can get IMHO.......

Other than that.....could you give an example?

Well, I saw several things (yes, including the pirate fight, which I did agree with), but the thing that made me write this note was where this lady got totally flamed just for asking a question about the wireless keyboard. Totally uncalled for.
HEY! Thank all of you that went totally 49 on the thread!

You ARE on the vanguard of the deep fried dada movement!

Thank you, citizens of the 9th division!

Goodnight! :D
Well, what about the several threads lately, started by people who are
Shocked, just Shocked, and outraged, that iPads can't handle Flash/Java?

Don't you think you might reconsider whether some rudeness is appropriate?
I think one must have to work really hard at still remaining ignorant on the Flash issue.

Sometimes I rage on....but for good reasons. I hate how there are always new topics that people create when the same topic is on the same section that they posted in!!

For example.....There are about 50 threads about the rotation switch thingy and more than enough threads about the absence of flash and people whining that they cannot use it.

Seriously though....stop yer bitching and use the SEARCH FUNCTION!!!! LOL!!
Yes, but there are polite ways of informing those who do not know or are too lazy to look (these need not be the same people) Thing that will stop those threads that bother is to move on. Rather than chastising someone either point them in the right direction (link the thread or give the answer) or move on without mention. Easy... :)

I agree with Hal in that we have to remember that there are and will be a lot of newcomers here because of holiday gifts. We need to have patience in keeping this a friendly place, who knows what gems we might have amongst us? I know I wouldn't have stayed in this forum if there were a lot of "you should know better" or "My way is the only right way" posts when I logged on.... and hey, we all know I'm a gem! So yeah!
Sometimes I rage on....but for good reasons. I hate how there are always new topics that people create when the same topic is on the same section that they posted in!!

For example.....There are about 50 threads about the rotation switch thingy and more than enough threads about the absence of flash and people whining that they cannot use it.

Seriously though....stop yer bitching and use the SEARCH FUNCTION!!!! LOL!!

This happens on every forum. I belong to an aquarium site and low carb site ~ it is all the same.

Don't open the thread if it annoys you. Move on. :D
Once the general population has had their questions answered, the true believers will rise to the top.

Just re-read this and it sounds like garbage.

After 30 days, the smart/motivated/nice people will grow with the iPad and others will go away.

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