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Looking to JB my iPad 1 v.imanewb

Scratch that...happened again and that orientation change isn't helping now.
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This_Guy said:
Scratch that...happened again and that orientation change isn't helping now.

I just messaged Leigh, he is in Scotland so he is asleep right now. Hope he helps soon! :)
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Yes, watch the language. We are family friendly here. That includes you quoting it wolfie! Watch for that.

I don't use VLC and thought you couldn't get it legally from the apps store any more in any case?

Sorry, I can't help on this one.
ugh. ya just saw its not in the app store any more. fail. the only reason i jb my ipad, and now after paying for dispout its not working.

also my B account has been charged an extra $1 fee for some reason, i didnt approve this. and its not showing up in my amazon payments, only my B statement. any explanation for this?

its not a big deal since its only a $1 but regardless, ive been charged for something i didnt approve. (only thing ive purchased is display out, from cydia through amazon)
So what happens with DisplayOut?
I have owned this for a long time and never had any problems with it across lots of different iOS versions. It is also my main reason for jailbreaking and I use it often during my working day for presentations. No problems. I'm on 4.3.3.

Also, the Cydia store payment system is very robust and completely trustworthy. They don't go charging cards for stuff you didn't buy. I would double and triple check the transaction with your card provider and Amazon. If you get in touch with Saurik at Cydia and a mistake has been made they will refund you fully.
You can go into the "My Account" page from the Cydia home page and see everything you have paid for. Double check there. Also, make sure you did get charged on the card you thought you were using. Very easy to get mixed up sometimes and think you have been done!
So what happens with DisplayOut?
I have owned this for a long time and never had any problems with it across lots of different iOS versions. It is also my main reason for jailbreaking and I use it often during my working day for presentations. No problems. I'm on 4.3.3.

Also, the Cydia store payment system is very robust and completely trustworthy. They don't go charging cards for stuff you didn't buy. I would double and triple check the transaction with your card provider and Amazon. If you get in touch with Saurik at Cydia and a mistake has been made they will refund you fully.
You can go into the "My Account" page from the Cydia home page and see everything you have paid for. Double check there. Also, make sure you did get charged on the card you thought you were using. Very easy to get mixed up sometimes and think you have been done!

With DisplayOut it works fine while in portrait, but as soon as i rotate to landscape image disappears and wont reload, audio is fine (in vlc) it seems to work everywhere else ive tried (adultswim and discovery app) im on 4.3.3 as well.

I checked my amazon payments and the only charge visible is the 2.99 for display out, however my bank statement, for the only card attached to that account has two seperate charges from amazon (which i have never used until now) one for the 2.99 and one for 1.00. both from same date.
My account in cydia only shows the 2.99 charge.
This_Guy said:
With DisplayOut it works fine while in portrait, but as soon as i rotate to landscape image disappears and wont reload, audio is fine (in vlc) it seems to work everywhere else ive tried (adultswim and discovery app) im on 4.3.3 as well.

I checked my amazon payments and the only charge visible is the 2.99 for display out, however my bank statement, for the only card attached to that account has two seperate charges from amazon (which i have never used until now) one for the 2.99 and one for 1.00. both from same date.
My account in cydia only shows the 2.99 charge.

I would take it up with Amazon.
i only have 1 transaction in AmazonPayments for 2.99 (display out)

and 0 transactions from Amazon.com

my bank account shows 2 seperate charges 1 from amazonpayments 1 from amazon for ($1.00)

as i said, i have never had an amazon account until purchasing DisplayOut. so this charge could not have come from anywhere else than cydia.
This_Guy said:
With DisplayOut it works fine while in portrait, but as soon as i rotate to landscape image disappears and wont reload, audio is fine (in vlc) it seems to work everywhere else ive tried (adultswim and discovery app) im on 4.3.3 as well.

I checked my amazon payments and the only charge visible is the 2.99 for display out, however my bank statement, for the only card attached to that account has two seperate charges from amazon (which i have never used until now) one for the 2.99 and one for 1.00. both from same date.
My account in cydia only shows the 2.99 charge.

I would take it up with Amazon.

gonna email them too. anyone ever had this problem? maybe its some fine print transaction cost?

i emailed amazon directly reporting a fraudulent charge so hopefully this will be resolved. i wont be using amazon again.
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doesnt look like its a trans cost. i looked at the summary for the 2.99 displayout charge and next to fees is 0.00

not looking good for amazon.com

i doubt its from cydia now. it wouldve been a charge through amazonpayments, not amazon.com as it shows on my statement.
any recommendations for an app that functions like VLC? since its gone now and seems to not be working with disp out
This_Guy said:
any recommendations for an app that functions like VLC? since its gone now and seems to not be working with disp out

Sometimes they will charge your card a dollar to make sure it is a valid credit card and the charge is refunded in 24 hours.... Actually it usually disappears as if it was never there to begin with, so just to let ya know you might want to keep an eye on it cause when you go to complain it will be gone....

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