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Magazine Publishers Vexed by Apple Apparently Blocking iPad Subscriptions


iPadForums News Team

AppleInsider is reporting today that publishers who want to offer subscriptions to digital versions of their magazines on the iPad are finding that Apple is allegedly rejecting their subscriptions from the app store, without telling them why.

According to AppleInsider, last month Time Inc. had the subscription version of its Sports Illustrated iPad app rejected by Apple, with the result that Sports Illustrated can currently only sell single issues of the magazine via iPad. Not only does this upset the publishers of course, but it's also causing a lot of ill-feeling among customers, who feel that $4.99-per-issue is too expensive, and are expressing their displeasure via negative reviews on the App Store.

Sources at Time Inc., speaking to Peter Kafka of MediaMemo, who broke the story, said that they have been "going nuts" trying to get Apple to approve their subscription plans. Kafka reports that Time Inc. execs were particularly surprised at the rejection considering that Apple and Steve Jobs had expressly reached out to them and to other publishers prior to the iPad's launch, leading them to believe that Apple would be amenable to subscription plans.

Kafka concludes by saying that no one at Time Inc. has any idea what is going on, as Apple, as usual, is not talking.

Source: AppleInsider, MediaMemo
"$4.99-per-issue is too expensive"

I have heard other publishers are thinking along these lines.Generally I can get a years worth of something like popular science,etc print issues for about $12-$15, no way am I going to pay more to get it in electronic form.
"$4.99-per-issue is too expensive"

I have heard other publishers are thinking along these lines.Generally I can get a years worth of something like popular science,etc print issues for about $12-$15, no way am I going to pay more to get it in electronic form.

Depending on what you read, Zinio offers very decent subscription prices in the 12/20$ range. An issue costs the price of three issues if you take the subscription.

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