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Mail Hangs When I Save A Draft


iPF Noob
Apr 6, 2012
Reaction score
I have an iPad 1 running the latest IOS. When I start an e-mail, save it as a draft and come back later to open it, the note opens but then mail hangs up. The cancel button and send buttons at the top of the E-mail are disabled and it is dead in the water. After many reloads it finally allows me to delete the draft from the draft folder. I am not doing anything special with attachments or anything like that. Just typing a plain old e-mail.

I did not have this problem when I originally purchased the device (2 IOS upgrades ago).

Anyone experience this? Any thoughts on why it is hanging up?

Thank you.
dennis29732 said:
I have an iPad 1 running the latest IOS. When I start an e-mail, save it as a draft and come back later to open it, the note opens but then mail hangs up. The cancel button and send buttons at the top of the E-mail are disabled and it is dead in the water. After many reloads it finally allows me to delete the draft from the draft folder. I am not doing anything special with attachments or anything like that. Just typing a plain old e-mail.

I did not have this problem when I originally purchased the device (2 IOS upgrades ago).

Anyone experience this? Any thoughts on why it is hanging up?

Thank you.

I've never posted about this issue but have seen it myself many times. More so under previous revs of IOS but has appeared once or twice under 5.1

It is a known, and still unaddressed issue within IOS. Link below will at least show you how to remedy the issue on a case by case basis.

Thank you for your response and the link. For now it is good to know it isn't just me. I will watch for a fix in future releases.
Ipad Hangs

I have also experienced the same problem. It happens arbitrarily, Here's a workaround....Enter anything in the "To:" field and then immediately backspace over it. The "Send" and "Cancel" buttons should start working again. If not, Quit Mail by double tapping the "Home" key, press and hold the "Mail" icon, when a minus signal shows press it on the "Mail" icon. Relaunch mail. Your previous work should be intact. As a final drastic alternative, You can reboot your iPad. Hope this helps.

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