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Major. Issue with lost emails - send but then disappear and never arrive

It happens virtually every time the reception shows 1 bar, I know you can back up the email and send later when you have 2 or more bars but it's such a hassle.

Want to change the device for something else but its amazing in every other way apart from the worst possible email system ever :-(

Hopefully iOS 6 resolves this.... Fingers crossed.

If not I will have no option than to go for the new Galaxy Tab as a way of sending emails with confidence.
I have had the same problem with my IPhone. It started last week, following another problem. The other problem was that the IPhone could not connect to the Server, this led to the Server telling me that they had to upgrade my account, which they did, changing the host name and telling me to delete the old account, which I did. After the upgrade, I got the incoming mail but it immediately disappeared right after I looked it. I have a call in with the Server to see if they can resolve this but I'm not sure if it's a server issue or an Apple issue. In the meantime, wondering if you got your problem resolved yet. I have had other problems with my Apple password. The one I had been using for years, all of a sudden was not acceptable. Apple have changed the rules regarding what is acceptable and what is not, so I had to change my password....no easy task. Said it had been successfully reset but wouldn't let me use it to log in. Having done it again and again, I'm now waiting overnight to try to use it, in case that was the problem before.

I also have Apple TV...now it doesn't work because it won't recognize the new password. Phoned Apple Support and they told me to do a Restart which I did and that didn't work either. They then told me I would have to take it to an Apple dealership and have them do a reset it which I did, for $20 which I resent paying as they were the ones that changed the password rules which caused the problem in the first place. So much for good business ethics! I'm at the point where I'm looking at replacing my phone with a Galaxy too. Life is too short to put up with these frustrations!!!
Messages to be send desappear

This problem has still not been adressed by apple. And it is also occuring on IPhone. And I have not find a way to recover those desappeared messages. Have to write them again. Iphone sucks for that.
(this is not a setting issue as previous e-mails to the incident, and mail sent after the incident DID get sent, and DO show in my different sent folder)

this is a repeating problem over the last few months and even on latest 4.3.3 OS. Symptoms are that you are offline or in a poor reception area on 3G ( could be wifi too) and drafting up emails ready for when you connect again. They sit in the outbox for Excahnge mail account on the iPad.

When internet connection comes back some emails just disappear entirely - they disappear from the outbox on the iPad but never arrive and are entirely lost from the iPad, not in outbox, sent items or drafts etc.

Very severe as you can imagine if drafting long emails on a plane and they disappear when you land ! Anyone else seeing this ? Some forum messages seem to have the same symptoms but no-one seems to be clocking this as a major apple iOS bug ?
Having the same problem. Have tried all manner of retrieval and never found them.
What I do now (if I remember) is kinda like when you set a file to backup every few minutes - I highlight and copy the email, go to Notes and paste it. Then do it again if I type a lot more. And I copy it before I send it. Not a fix, but at least I haven't lost all my work. Also, if I go to close the email, it will ask if you want to save or delete the draft. Save it and that's another way to not lose your work.

I do the same thing if I'm writing a longer response to someone on Facebook, i.e. select what I've written, copy it, paste it in notes. Too much busy work. Would rather have a fix, but haven't seen one yet.
ipad 3 long email just disappeared on plane

After working 5 hours on a plane composing an email on my new iPad, my husband lost all of it from the outbox....puff...it just disappeared while I was reading it. I spent almost two hours with Applecare support last night, going up to the supervisor level. They sounded as if this was a new problem, and maybe the problem was with my mail server. After another unsuccessful half hour call with my mail server this morning, I looked on the net and found many complaints about this exact thing happening to others. It definitely sounds like an Apple problem and I am very disappointed that they led me to believe there was actually a prayer of finding the email. I have an iMac, a macbook pro, two iPhones and now my new iPad. I have loved Apple, but, this latest experience really is discouraging. Steve Jobs must be looking down with great sorrow......If anyone has any idea as to where or how I might find the email, I would love to hear from you.

I have had this 'disappearing emails' issue for some six months and although it occurs sporadically, it has never been resolved. However I now have another issue with my email box which is not as serious but still annoying.

I am unable to delete the email alert (the little red number) in the top corner of the email icon, even though there are no emails to read. I have tried most of the suggestions on this thread (settings, email etc), but without success. The inbox also indicates a message awaiting but my inbox is empty.

Any help please!

Regards Louis
Still no fix?

My business partner has just hit the roof after spending an hour composing a long techincal email to our bank manager, only for it to vanish on sending..

As with others this is an ipad (3) and seems to always happen when he's on a train (weak 3G). I believe this is the 3rd of 4th time its happened. He uses a Googlemail (gmail) account.

Are we correct in our assumptions that its just gone and neither Apple nor Google can retrieve it?


Dera all,

A workaround is always drafting an email in a text editor and copy-paste it to mail, at least you can retry as much as you need and always have a backup on hand.

Just happened to me after a long flight. Good thing it did, I was unaware of the issue and we were about to purchase 500 iPads for our sales force. Email integrity is essential so we're going to have to go with a different tablet, particularly since apple has known about it for more than a year with no effort to fix or warn people.
Just happened to me after a long flight. Good thing it did, I was unaware of the issue and we were about to purchase 500 iPads for our sales force. Email integrity is essential so we're going to have to go with a different tablet, particularly since apple has known about it for more than a year with no effort to fix or warn people.

Most companies would pull their finger out at a potential loss of 500 units. Shame Apple is so up itself as not to even care
iPad lost emails

This same problem has just occurred to me after a long flight. Gutted :-(

I am using iOS 6.1.3.

However, when I was composing the email I saved a number of drafts. When I search the iPad (right swipe from home screen) I can see some of the drafts listed. But most disconcertingly, when I select one of the listings it launched the email app and I can't find the email from within the email app.

Does anyone have an idea how I can recover the email?

Just happened to me !
2013 and the problem is still not resolved, this is unacceptable !

It shouldn't be too hard to just prevent the email to be sent if the connection is not strong enough or if the connection is switching from WIFI to 3G.

It happened on this setup :
iOS 7 / Mail (imap gmail) / iPhone 4S

Oldschool is goodschool !

[via Tapatalk]

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