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Make a weblink to a local html file?


iPF Noob
Hi, I'm an iPad2 newbie. When I use a Windows PC, my "homepage" is an html file. On my ipad, I would like to make a weblink to that same file, so that in one click, I can start Safari on my local home page. How do I do this?

So far, I did an "add to library" of the file (in itunes) and synced to my iPad. I have no idea how or where to find the file, if indeed I managed, in that way, to get it onto the iPad.

The file's name is homepage.htm . I know that Apple associates files with apps. Do I need to rename it (e.g.: homepage.html )?

How do I find the file on the iPad? I would be very happy if I could ask safari to open local html files, but I can't figure out how to do this.

Thanks in advance for your help.
If you are trying to make a website link on springboard then you can do that in safari. Just tap the arrow coming out of the box at the top of safari and then tap "add to home screen". If that's not it, I have no idea what you want to do.
If you are trying to make a website link on springboard then you can do that in safari. Just tap the arrow coming out of the box at the top of safari and then tap "add to home screen". If that's not it, I have no idea what you want to do.

I think that's exactly what the OP is looking for.

Open Safari browser on your ipad. Navigate to the page you want "shortcut" to your iPad. Tap the box with the arrow pointing right in the tool bar. Tap "Add to Home Screen" This places a one-tap icon on your home screen that links direcdtly to that site whenever tapped.
The Alternative said:
I think that's exactly what the OP is looking for.

Open Safari browser on your ipad. Navigate to the page you want "shortcut" to your iPad. Tap the box with the arrow pointing right in the tool bar. Tap "Add to Home Screen" This places a one-tap icon on your home screen that links direcdtly to that site whenever tapped.

What I said......
you completely misunderstood my request. Let me try again. This is a two-step problem, I'm going to describe step 2 first:

Step 2: I have used itunes SYNC to move an html file onto my ipad. That html file, which I created all by myself, has links to the 150 websites I care about. I want to make a weblink or "shortcut" on my screen that will bring safari up on that LOCAL html webpage. In any other browser, I would click OPEN FILE and search my disk to find the html file, to make my shortcut, but of course SAFARI DOESN'T LET ME DO THAT on the ipad. How do I make a shortcut to my html file?

Step 1: I THINK that I got this file onto the ipad by doing an add-to-library and a sync in itunes on my PC. But I'm not sure. What is the correct way to get an html file from another PC onto the ipad2, and is the extent of the file name critical? My file is called homepage.htm, but maybe it should be called homepage.html. Please advise.

Okay? I hope you understand. I know how to add a weblink or shortcut to my screen, but I do not know how to make that shortcut point to an HTML file ON THE IPAD. My file is NOT out in the cloud somewhere, so I do not know how to "navigate" to it.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Tobyr21 said:
you completely misunderstood my request. Let me try again. This is a two-step problem, I'm going to describe step 2 first:

Step 2: I have used itunes SYNC to move an html file onto my ipad. That html file, which I created all by myself, has links to the 150 websites I care about. I want to make a weblink or "shortcut" on my screen that will bring safari up on that LOCAL html webpage. In any other browser, I would click OPEN FILE and search my disk to find the html file, to make my shortcut, but of course SAFARI DOESN'T LET ME DO THAT on the ipad. How do I make a shortcut to my html file?

Step 1: I THINK that I got this file onto the ipad by doing an add-to-library and a sync in itunes on my PC. But I'm not sure. What is the correct way to get an html file from another PC onto the ipad2, and is the extent of the file name critical? My file is called homepage.htm, but maybe it should be called homepage.html. Please advise.

Okay? I hope you understand. I know how to add a weblink or shortcut to my screen, but I do not know how to make that shortcut point to an HTML file ON THE IPAD. My file is NOT out in the cloud somewhere, so I do not know how to "navigate" to it.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Anything that has anything to do with the filesystem is strictly forbidden by apple. Just adding the file to iTunes doesn't mean it automatically goes on the iPad. It's probably not even in iTunes. The link will not show up on springboard. What you want to do is impossible without jailbreaking.
As far as I can tell, Safari won't open local files.

If you have Dropbox, you can put that .html file into the Public documents section. Then, copy the public link. You can then paste that link into your Safari browser. Once the page opens/loads, you can then select to add that to your homescreen.

And, as long as you leave that .html file in Dropbox's public folder, you'll have one-touch access to your links from wherever you've placed that new homescreen bookmark.

Hope that helps.


P.S. Dropbox is free, up to 2GB, and as far as I remember, you get the Public folder with the free version...
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The only thing I suggest is to buy a HTML editor, (HTML editor is only 59p) but I recommend gusto at £3.99. This way you can add the file to edit, and in doing this you can open the file locally, which can be done in safari.

Any more info required give me a shout!
Thanks for giving me an easy solution. I plan to try an html editor, but you got me to my web page very quickly.

For me, your idea was very "out of the box. My goal was to have a local web page, but I'm sacrificing only moments to access it by putting it online.
Glad I could help and that it works for you ... for now.

I'd be interested in seeing how you get along in figuring out how to make Safari access a local
 file as all I know to do is that Dropbox method.

Please keep us posted on the success - or not - of the html editor.

I need more info. Let's say this is a corporate deployment, and Help files are sent to the employees' iPads. The help files are hosted locally on each iPad, not on the web. Here's the constraint: The menu supporting the information is also inside the folder. A new page with redirect instructions needs to sit outside the folder of (information plus menu). I just don't know the right syntax to get the page to redirect to the index.htm that sits inside the folder. Can you help?

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