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map me! On iphone app


iPF Noob
Feb 22, 2012
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Your pics & your friend's pics uploaded to facebook & Google maps

Privacy Settings – Only your facebook friends can see your photos!

Key Features:
• One-touch imports your iPhone pics to both facebook & Google maps.
• map me! shows you the where and what is happening now - not just what happened in the past.
• Time Slider bar lets your pics pop up on the map by date. Shows where you were on your trip and when!

Advanced Features:
• Great for mapping your bike trip, weekend getaway and night out with friends.
• Political action! Map unsafe bike lanes, illegal activities and other social issues. Get your friends involved, start a fb page, and provide congressmen and media with visuals and their locations.
• Tweet your photo maps by taking a screenshot.
• A picture tells a 1000 words. Your picture map tells……!

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