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Micro SIM's and T-Mobile


iPF Noob
Does anyone know if T-Mobile even uses Micro SIM's for any of their phones? I know ATT doesn't so the iPad would be the first implementation of that for them....If that isn't true please someone tell me. I'de like to know. Thanks!
I'm not sure as to your answer, but keep in mind the only difference between Micro SIM's and regular SIM's is the size of the plastic surrounding the actual logic. You can cut a regular SIM to fit into a Micro SIM slot with an exacto.
I'm not sure as to your answer, but keep in mind the only difference between Micro SIM's and regular SIM's is the size of the plastic surrounding the actual logic. You can cut a regular SIM to fit into a Micro SIM slot with an exacto.

Oh snap! iPad + T-mo FTW! Although the data plans for the iPad with ATT are fairly competitive I must admit.....

Alex, Do you have a T-Mobile data plan or a current phone using T-Mobile that has a data plan?

If not, meaning no current Data plan, then you would have to add one, which would probably end up costing you more than if you just use the 3G version of iPad with monthly service from ATT.

Not like if you had an existing device like an iPhone, unlock it to use your T-Mobile SIM just for phone use, either way one device is "disabled" not being able to use data, cellular or both while the SIM is being used in the other device.

Whereas, I have three iPhones currently for different jobs, one uses the regular ATT sim with 3G and data, a second with unlocked/jailbroken to make use of one of my contractor jobs service with T-Mobile, but they don't have data on that SIM and the other I just use for WiFi when I am too busy with one of the otherphones or almost like multitasking between devices.

Typically though I am making use of just the two with cell data and the other as a standby in case another contractor has a different carrier line. It would be awesome if I could just use all three SIMS in one unlocked iPhone, which I have seen devices which enable use of two, but not three at the same time.

I'm just trying to get your reasoning for using the T-Mobile SIM.
Abble I currently have the T-mobile Even More Plus plan. 60/mo for 500 anytime, unlimited nw, tmo-tmo, text, data, and free global roaming.

I used to have this plan on my iPhone 3G, and it worked great. I now have a Google Nexus One and all I did was pop the sim in from my iPhone and everything worked. I was hoping to do the same for when the iPad comes out.

The only thing is, if I have to hack up the SIM to make it a MicroSIM, would I still be able to some how "unhack" it up to be able to use in my normal sized SIM slots?
There are adapters already in use for upscaling the Micro SIM back for use in regular SIM and also the cutters for making the SIM a micro as well.

My dilemma would be if I have to shut the unit down and restart or re -search networks each time I insert the SIM from one device to the other.. If I can just "hot swap" then that would be somewhat beneficial.

And as I said earlier, having a shared SIM always means one device is not operable other than WiFi so why bother if the Data on cellular network is what you need and not be missing calls while the SIM is in your iPad.

I would rather just use a 3G based iPad and pay as you go when needed, much simpler and no hassle. :ipad-front:
The better way to do this on T-Mobile would be to drop your Nexus One and get an HTC HD2 when it is released next month. It is a T-Mobile phone that has a built in WIFI router. Setup your iPAD WIFI unit to connect to the router in your phone and you are connected! No extra fee for a second data plan thru ATT.
Great idea 19hole! T-Mobile is going to have the fastest and most under-utilized networks this year and next with HSPA+. I've heard they have a mifi device coming out soon too!

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The better way to do this on T-Mobile would be to drop your Nexus One and get an HTC HD2 when it is released next month. It is a T-Mobile phone that has a built in WIFI router. Setup your iPAD WIFI unit to connect to the router in your phone and you are connected! No extra fee for a second data plan thru ATT.

This can be done with the Nexus One too. Great idea, never even thought about doing that.
Plus the fact that you would only get edge speed since tmobile and at&t 3g is using different frequencies!
I think its totally worth 30 extra bucks a month, on top off my regular 75 dollar t mobile bill! Jeepers, I spend more on ciggs and beer!
The better way to do this on T-Mobile would be to drop your Nexus One and get an HTC HD2 when it is released next month. It is a T-Mobile phone that has a built in WIFI router. Setup your iPAD WIFI unit to connect to the router in your phone and you are connected! No extra fee for a second data plan thru ATT.

Ok, need some advice. I carry a AT&T Blackberry for work (has to be Berry for the enterprise service, says work). I take the Berry (w/unlimited data plan and mid-$ voice plan) to the UK and everything works fine but I always get a higher bill due to roaming when I return Stateside. I'm getting the 3G iPad cuz where I travel in the UK doesn't have many hot spots (outside of London). Can I set-up my iPad WiFi to connect to my Blackberry and not have to pay another roaming fee if I connect the iPad's 3G or would it be cheaper for me to get a sim while over there? I've never hassled with that since the Berry works fine, but I have to be in touch with work, even on vacation, and I continue to get all my email which is usually a sizeable amount.
Micro sim adapter saves money

You know guys, there is no need to buy a second plan. A week ago bought micro sim adapter from gomicrosim.com. Costs only 4.5 EUR. Really worth it. Now use my simcard in both Ipad and Iphone. Should save me lots of pounds, since there is no need to sign for another plan. Highly recommend this seller, his price and delivery options are the best so far.
how to get cellular data network on ipad2 ? because the cellular data network in my ipad2 is missing.

Please help me...

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