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Microsoft Acquires iOS Popular Email app Acompli, Looks to Integrate it with Outlook


News Team
Jun 22, 2012
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Microsoft is changing its approach for customers from other platforms, as it looks to expand its products and services to a wider audience. And as part of this expansion, Microsoft has announced that it has acquired Acompli for around the sum of $200 million.

Acompli is a mobile app that allows for user interaction with email messages as well as management of multiple email accounts in one programme. It also organizes one's calendar and shared files and also provides for integration with cloud storage platforms such as Dropbox, OneDrive, and iCloud, offering support for Microsoft Exchange and Gmail.

Thus, Microsoft's presence on Apple's iOS continues to grow with the acquisition of Acompli. Rajesh Jha, corporate vice president of Microsoft's Outlook and Office, said it's part of an ongoing strategy, and added the following:

"(Acompli) provides innovative ways to focus on what's important in your inbox, to schedule meetings, and work with attachments and files. Users love how it connects to all email services and provides a single place to manage email with a focus on getting things done."

Chances are that Microsoft plans to integrate Accompli with its Outlook team, which means the email application could be due for a major overhaul. Acompli Chief Executive Javier Soltero said the deal will enable both Microsoft and his company to pursue "a better, faster, more powerful email experience."

It will be interesting to observe how this will evolve and what will be Microsoft's further plans on expanding into the iOS environment.

Source: Acompli
It'll be interesting to see if the leave the iOS app in the App Store or pull it and use the technology in their other products.
I'm downloading it now as we speak, just to check it out, i guess

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