...that everyone should heed. Google has determined, and MasterCard seems to agree, that the more convenient transactions can become for the consumer, the faster we can go and live life fully!
This technology has its roots in our human history--striving to find a way to make life easy. I remember years ago, when PCs became readily available--in every one's home and on every desktop at work--articles were written proclaiming the advent of the paperless society.
Credit card companies have worked tirelessly to eliminate the real exchange of money. This is part of the problem we are experiencing today, too many people used up credit as if they had no idea that eventually we had to pay for our debt.
I hope we have all wised up to how easy credit use can be and that every charge represents real money. This latest technology is a really good way to forget any of the lessons we should have learned already. Although the article points out that there is no easy way to opt out of this program, there is one basic way: do not accept the invitation to add this technology to your 'smart' phone.