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Modern War App alliance ID

Infantery ID

239 506 168

Lvl 46
Alliance Member 183
Alli Attack 4900
Alli Defence 5250
Money Income Per Hour : 59350
Units : 1219

Missions Completed 727
Fights Won : 1986
Fights Lost : 240
Successful Raids : 348
Failed Raids : 8

Active player

Inventory : Infantery -

Units : - 745
Attack - 2511
Defence - 2158


Units : - 246
Attack - 1681
Defence - 1653


Units : 139
Attack : 608
Defence : 716


Units : 89
Attack : 493
Defence : 592

Units Resume:

Total Units : 1219
Total Units Attack : 5293
Total Units Defence : 5119
Last edited:
waldiNYSApl ID 171 736 550 :)
Lev 31
Missions Completed: 468
Fights Won: 706
Fights Lost: 111
Successful Raids: 771
Failed Raids: 19
# of Alliance Members: 476
# of units: 472
Alliance Attack: 2097
Alliance Defense: 2353
Last edited:

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