Interesting thoughts, Ranger89, I share many of them. However, I feel I need to point out some errors that might mislead new users:
a TROOP COUNTS: There are no limitations to the number of units above 50, you get full value att/def wise permitting you have the optimal unit/allies ratio.
Being a lvl 119, I have many "Troops" numbering anywhere from 200 and up to 500 units ( I had at my peak 550 Expert Attack Drones, a powerful offensive value-unit, and benefitted 100% on my scores from every single one of them. (I presenly have 1240 allies, and 7127 units).
b DEFENCE SCORE: Dividing defence score with cost as your means to get value for money, is not wise in the long run. You see, two weaker units with say def 15, are in no way equal to a single unit with def 30! If I was to buy units below att/def 15, they wouldn`t come into play at all. Not on overall att/def score, not in battle. The reason being that the average strenght on units I am allowed to bring into battle, allready are higher than buying more of those are useles. No matter score/cost ratio

Seeing that your post serves well as a beginner guide, my advice to all newbees would be to BY AS STRONG A UNIT AS POSSIBLE at all times! Though one might be below level 20 today, benefitting with buying allmost anything, remember that all that money (or all those value points) spent on inferior units, normally are rendered useless the day you climb past lvl 50...
Moving to another subject, I note several here refer to so-called whales with irritation and content. I too hate gold-based success, but I have also known "whales" that never have spent a $ in this game how to handle the lvl 92 breakingpoint (where one is voulnerable to attacks from everyone)? Well, the "whales" too have been small one time....In my oppinion, too many players level up much too fast, without maintaining their army to a quality maching their level. If one neglects def ratings and accumulating new allies, focusing only on constructing base/doing missions, it should not come as a surpise what will happen to ones precious buildings when thrown to the wolf pack the day lvl 92 arrives. Well, whale pod, in this case perhaps
I think the greatest thing about MW is that thare are several different paths to success. I believe strongly in balance: base, hourly income, missions and defence ratings must all be looked after. Simultaniously, and at all times. (And time is a factor, the sooner you outgrow your lvl-peers, the sooner you can dominate them, and your losses to mission-based attacks from others are reduced greatly. Therefore, to grow efficient, newbees should allways have 3 engineering projects going on at the same time: construct a new building, uppgrade an old one, and expand base. When these 3 projects work for you around the clock, you will be competitive from the get-go.
I have been subject to whale attacks for the last 27 levels, and I`m still here and growing

Bottom line; in order to protect yourself from whales, become one

Without spending real money, I currently have an att/def score of 65 000/64 000. This is high enough to prevent attacks from the vast majority of whales, in my experience. I think my W/L stats proves this point right.
Fights Won: 15 593
Fights Lost: 692
Succ. raids: 761
Failed raids: 6
A win ratio of allmost 96,6%...
Enough self-promotion, I just felt it needed to be pointet out that success in MW does NOT have to depend on spending your hard earned cash to get gold
Not to forget: do not hesitate to add me as ally, you all
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