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Modern War Combat Details

No need to apologize...just wanted to correct the info.

The whale pool was Funzio's way of catering to the high level/gold buying players whining about a limited rivals list. I've been told it starts at level 92. But I didn't notice until 94 (I'm not a PvP player) when I started getting hammered regularly by people 30-50 levels above me. I even had a level 200 (max for the game) raid every building and attack, simply because he could. Basically, once you've entered the pool you're at the bottom of the food chain and can attack/be attacked by everyone above you.

Your alliance doesn't change. You won't/can't attack an ally no matter what. But your rivals list will be very limited. It'll still be full of players, just none that you can or want to attack. You'll notice TONS of players sitting at around level 92-94 and going nowhere because they quit, leaving everything raided and their player usually too weak to be attacked.

Again, I can't stress enough how people need to choose wisely how they want to play the game. Attack and raid all you want, but enjoy your "loot" while you can because your stats as a "winner" will put you at the top of the list for every shark out there in the pool. It doesn't matter if you "turtle" your way up and I don't care how strong your economy is, you will lose more unit than you can ever replace. Example: My level 157 just lost enough units in one attack by a $1000+ "golden army" to reduce my att/def score 10K points. As a free player, there is nothing one can do...Except laugh at the idiots who pay to be "awesome" at a game and probably pay for sex too. :)

So thinking out loud say I wanted to focus only on economy. I could delete all my allies at level 92 I wouldn't be able to defend myself but it doesn't really matter if they are playing with gold anyways. That way I wouldn't losse all of my units I could stay that way until level 200. I know I won't be a match for all gold players but if I had 2000 units with 30 damage each I could probably beat a lot of them and it would be a lot of fun to raid gold players. It would probably take me a year to get that way, but it might be worth it! And I could build a lot of units in a year!

There is one problem though right now my alliance size is 8, and i've deleted all my player allies. So i'm assuming i won extra allies from crates and completing maps. So the question is how do i delete them. I guess i could write an email and ask them to delete them for me, i don't know if they would do that.

Anyways that's just an idea.
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I've been playing for about a week, level 47, just shy of LT, 12k AA, 14k AD, 513 allies, 1023 units. I'm deployed to Afghanistan, so I admit I bought some gold just so I could continue playing, replenish energy/stamina. Well, that's how it started, long story short I've spent a good chunk of change. I'm probably somewhere in the middle as to what GREE is expecting from their players. Most will not buy gold, and then there are those that do nothing but advance with gold. Criticize as much as you want, I'm enjoying the game as I see it with what I felt was affordable. If you don't like my tactics, don't read what I have to say. I am a Disabled Veteran, I know WAR.
I have about 90% success rate for attacks and raids, and I mostly attack. If you raid it gives the enemy option to revenge, which allow them to raid or attack you, the raid gives the option to open up your stats and see what you are up against. That's what I do, I select raid, then check stats, then attack while at ther base. Since I attack them, their only option is to attack back not knowing my stats so they have to go in blind.
I found that completing entire missions net higher returns for goals and other missions. You can go to the map and go through the same mission over again to increase your returns on future missions yet again. I always start my sessions by: collecting my funds from my base, spending on value added units/buildings; starting into a mission tapping into part of my energy then going into strategic attacks as explained earlier. If your stamina or energy is sitting there maxed out, you are not reeling the free benefit of it replenishing, you are not taking advantage of "time". As I'm attacking, 1 opponent at a time, my stamina is still slowing rebuilding AND my energy replenishes at a faster rate. By the time I've depleted my stamina attacking, my energy for missions has almost topped off again. I start into missions, and because I've gone back on the map and completed past missions over again thus netting higher return of cash for completing mission goals. I buy the highest attack/defense units I can afford. Then go back into attack mode because my stamina will have replenished some. I continue this until both energy and stamina are rock bottom. Once my stamina is at zero and counting down to replenish 1, I take what little energy I have left and run through lower level missions to spend as much of my remaining energy completing segments of missions.
Interim: after energy/stamina are rock bottom. I visit profiles through raid option, check enemy stats. If they have lots of cash, and lower stats than me I will attack, 1 stamina at a time. While waiting for next single stamina to replenish I will buy more units, use valor points to buy be best units available too but I'm stock piling those for general/SPECOPS status. And in between attacks I will open the enemies comments, post my ID for others to see, no other text as it hinders a clean copy paste, then I scroll through comments looking for the enemies ID if they posted it and add them, and others, just sending out ally request another ally request. Going back to attacking vs raiding, my enemies will start their session seeing they have been successfully defeated by me, they will retaliate with an attack and find me on the other end.

I always finish my sessions by: clearing out my energy and stamina, expanding my base, buying any building (after averaging best for value/funds available), and upgrade something. While I'm away, those three things are happening; construction, expansion and upgrade. Occasionally, I will look at the time, adjust for stateside peak hours and for 10 gold get VIP status for alliance requests. I come back and typically have 50+ requests, I've done this 3 times. I have bought a few sets to get the freebie cool unit, and a few of the crate bundles. I am the only one i know that has bio dome. I bought it because I only had a less than $1k a day rate and wanted something that would bring in more cash on regularly checked schedule. I do play for hours a night, but like others have mentioned, the buildings that bring cash in short interims really don't add up unless you are cashing them out every 5 min/30 min, 1 hour/ 5 hours. Besides, since I have a lot of my basic missions maxed out at level 5 I bring in several $100k for completing later missions. I currently have 10 mil saved up, and my defenses on my base are healthy, I post my defensive buildings strategically placed in the middle to maximize overlapping coverage to my buildings. I get raided and attacked often, but 99% of the time I still win, even if it is 0.
When I level up, I focus on energy, and occasionally stamina. Ido this because these are the true $ value items, meaning if I increase them I don't have to spend real world $ to replenish. It's like getting free gold because it's 20 gold to refill energy and 10 gold for stamina. The Attack/defense points, I find useless as my AA/AD are very high, and my base defense is very high as well. Although, I win 90% of my initiated attacks, often just net battle/ valor points. I get most of my Money through missions and completing goals, like 20 successful attacks in a row, on several occasions I've been surprised to lose that 20 of 20 fight and have to start all over to complete the goal. Sometimes I'll have two separate goals, one will be defeat 10 enemies of my same level, another is be win 10 fights in a row. I will focus on same level enemies and tap both goal out at the same time. sometimes to guarantee my success for these goals, knowing I will not win much cash, I will go back into my news, find the oldest report of an attack and click attack. Most players aren't advancing as fast as me, or are less aggressive. The are passive player, like playing Modern War with FarmVille tactics. They sit passing the time, only using what is provided to them in their space and buildings funds to slowly build up. These are the softest targets and learn really quick that saving up that $1 million is easy for the taking. Like I said, once they learn, they hide their cash in the vault. These easy wins help me quickly complete the goals like "complete 27 consecutive attacks without losing". These gols bring valor and experience points that help me level up. Level up and this opens up bigger/better units. I know this is all relative because I'm alway only competing with others within similar stat range. If I never allied with anyone, I imagine I might be at a higher level competing with others who also didn't ally. I notice this to a point though, at level 47 I do find the rare sub 100 allies enemy. Stats show more losses than wins. I no longer look at dollar amounts when I attack. I get enough Money completing missions.
Another thing I used to do when I was first starting the game, I spent all my cash before exiting the game. This increased my defense points, made me less of a target for those looking to raid/attack. I know that I can always get more cash when I start missions or attacking weaker enemies. I noticed the more I advanced the less I ran into individuals that had loads of unprotected cash. I admit, although I have only $100k protected of my $10mil+, my defenses are very healthy that i haven't lost to an attack in a while. And if I do, I lose a small unit and $0 cash. I've found that my expansion is hindered by time. I'm constantly overflowing with cash but have no property build on so I dump a lot into the best units I can afford. I end up waiting 24-48 hours for my patch of land to develop. Once it comes in, I've usually already planned how I'm going to use it. I might start out shuffling buildings to maximize defensive layout, then build my building. I see I'm nearing level to acquire the mine field, which looks like it takes up a full land patch. I've seen one person plan for this and I think it was genius. They strategically left a blank undeveloped patch, and built completely around it. Leaving room to drop a mine field in later. I'm going to try this once I settle down into a level I'm comfortable with. I'd like to eventually see some of my old foes level up to catch up with me so I can destroy them again. For those that trash talk, I might spend 4-5 hours constantly attacking them until too weak, depleted cash, and completely destroyed their entire base including defensive buildings. This really hurst the enemy because they don't get any cash until they return and rebuild. Then the timer start from the beginning again. Do this straight multiple times a day for a a few days and the trash talk stops. Although I had one foes trash talk because after completely animating her base she thought it was funny I only won $130. I was going to leave her alone until that message. I laid into her until she was no longer showing up in my news report. See, she started off as someone levels ahead of me that attacked me and took about $30k. As I advanced I past her, probably 3 fold by now, and I've only been playing a week.
Another thing I will do, if I'm drained of energy and stamina, I will leave the game to use the latrine, shower, each chow, check my email. When I come back to the game after an hour or two, I start all over again. If I'm in a time crunch I might just blindly attack and complete lower level older missions items at randon. I'll just click away until all my energy is gone again.
So, I know this is a lot, somewhat unorganized. I'm going back in for more. See you on the battlefield.

I forgot to mention, if I'm nearing the point where I level up, I try to deplete my energy and stamina and continue to use it as it replenshes a little as I approach level up. This way my level up will completely replenish my energy/stamina for free, which is worth 20/10 gold respectively. So like I mentioned earlier, I will waddle down my energy by going through old missions and completing some of those to diminish my energy to lowest possible.

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So thinking out loud say I wanted to focus only on economy. I could delete all my allies at level 92 I wouldn't be able to defend myself but it doesn't really matter if they are playing with gold anyways. That way I wouldn't losse all of my units I could stay that way until level 200. I know I won't be a match for all gold players but if I had 2000 units with 30 damage each I could probably beat a lot of them and it would be a lot of fun to raid gold players. It would probably take me a year to get that way, but it might be worth it! And I could build a lot of units in a year!

There is one problem though right now my alliance size is 8, and i've deleted all my player allies. So i'm assuming i won extra allies from crates and completing maps. So the question is how do i delete them. I guess i could write an email and ask them to delete them for me, i don't know if they would do that.

Anyways that's just an idea.

In theory it makes sense, but dumping allies is one strategy that I know for sure does not work. At level 92 with 0 allies, you'd still be bringing 368 units (the best you have) to any given attack/defend. So unless you put up only indestructable units (368), you'll suffer severe losses regardless of whether you win or lose a battle. One might think having no allies makes them a less likely target for the "big fish"...Maybe. But don't forget, it also opens one up to all the "little fish" seeking to pad their stats with an easy win. Basically, a player with no allies will quickly find themself fighting a war of atrition.

As for the "grunt" allies in your alliance? Funzio used to remove them with a simple support email. I'm not sure if Gree has continued this 'service'. It's worth a try if you still want to zero out you alliance number.

***I know exactly what you mean and where your thought process is headed. But don't overthink the game. There are too many variables (skill allocation/country multipliers/unit bonuses/etc) in play for anyone to come up with a "winning" strategy. My advice is just have fun. It's a game and when it stops being fun, just walk away. As a free player you lose nothing.***
I've been playing for about a week, level 47, just shy of LT, 12k AA, 14k AD, 513 allies, 1023 units. I'm deployed to Afghanistan, so I admit I bought some gold just so I could continue playing, replenish energy/stamina. Well, that's how it started, long story short I've spent a good chunk of change. I'm probably somewhere in the middle as to what GREE is expecting from their players. Most will not buy gold, and then there are those that do nothing but advance with gold. Criticize as much as you want, I'm enjoying the game as I see it with what I felt was affordable. If you don't like my tactics, don't read what I have to say. I am a Disabled Veteran, I know WAR.
I have about 90% success rate for attacks and raids, and I mostly attack. If you raid it gives the enemy option to revenge, which allow them to raid or attack you, the raid gives the option to open up your stats and see what you are up against. That's what I do, I select raid, then check stats, then attack while at ther base. Since I attack them, their only option is to attack back not knowing my stats so they have to go in blind.
I found that completing entire missions net higher returns for goals and other missions. You can go to the map and go through the same mission over again to increase your returns on future missions yet again. I always start my sessions by: collecting my funds from my base, spending on value added units/buildings; starting into a mission tapping into part of my energy then going into strategic attacks as explained earlier. If your stamina or energy is sitting there maxed out, you are not reeling the free benefit of it replenishing, you are not taking advantage of "time". As I'm attacking, 1 opponent at a time, my stamina is still slowing rebuilding AND my energy replenishes at a faster rate. By the time I've depleted my stamina attacking, my energy for missions has almost topped off again. I start into missions, and because I've gone back on the map and completed past missions over again thus netting higher return of cash for completing mission goals. I buy the highest attack/defense units I can afford. Then go back into attack mode because my stamina will have replenished some. I continue this until both energy and stamina are rock bottom. Once my stamina is at zero and counting down to replenish 1, I take what little energy I have left and run through lower level missions to spend as much of my remaining energy completing segments of missions.
Interim: after energy/stamina are rock bottom. I visit profiles through raid option, check enemy stats. If they have lots of cash, and lower stats than me I will attack, 1 stamina at a time. While waiting for next single stamina to replenish I will buy more units, use valor points to buy be best units available too but I'm stock piling those for general/SPECOPS status. And in between attacks I will open the enemies comments, post my ID for others to see, no other text as it hinders a clean copy paste, then I scroll through comments looking for the enemies ID if they posted it and add them, and others, just sending out ally request another ally request. Going back to attacking vs raiding, my enemies will start their session seeing they have been successfully defeated by me, they will retaliate with an attack and find me on the other end.

I always finish my sessions by: clearing out my energy and stamina, expanding my base, buying any building (after averaging best for value/funds available), and upgrade something. While I'm away, those three things are happening; construction, expansion and upgrade. Occasionally, I will look at the time, adjust for stateside peak hours and for 10 gold get VIP status for alliance requests. I come back and typically have 50+ requests, I've done this 3 times. I have bought a few sets to get the freebie cool unit, and a few of the crate bundles. I am the only one i know that has bio dome. I bought it because I only had a less than $1k a day rate and wanted something that would bring in more cash on regularly checked schedule. I do play for hours a night, but like others have mentioned, the buildings that bring cash in short interims really don't add up unless you are cashing them out every 5 min/30 min, 1 hour/ 5 hours. Besides, since I have a lot of my basic missions maxed out at level 5 I bring in several $100k for completing later missions. I currently have 10 mil saved up, and my defenses on my base are healthy, I post my defensive buildings strategically placed in the middle to maximize overlapping coverage to my buildings. I get raided and attacked often, but 99% of the time I still win, even if it is 0.
When I level up, I focus on energy, and occasionally stamina. Ido this because these are the true $ value items, meaning if I increase them I don't have to spend real world $ to replenish. It's like getting free gold because it's 20 gold to refill energy and 10 gold for stamina. The Attack/defense points, I find useless as my AA/AD are very high, and my base defense is very high as well. Although, I win 90% of my initiated attacks, often just net battle/ valor points. I get most of my Money through missions and completing goals, like 20 successful attacks in a row, on several occasions I've been surprised to lose that 20 of 20 fight and have to start all over to complete the goal. Sometimes I'll have two separate goals, one will be defeat 10 enemies of my same level, another is be win 10 fights in a row. I will focus on same level enemies and tap both goal out at the same time. sometimes to guarantee my success for these goals, knowing I will not win much cash, I will go back into my news, find the oldest report of an attack and click attack. Most players aren't advancing as fast as me, or are less aggressive. The are passive player, like playing Modern War with FarmVille tactics. They sit passing the time, only using what is provided to them in their space and buildings funds to slowly build up. These are the softest targets and learn really quick that saving up that $1 million is easy for the taking. Like I said, once they learn, they hide their cash in the vault. These easy wins help me quickly complete the goals like "complete 27 consecutive attacks without losing". These gols bring valor and experience points that help me level up. Level up and this opens up bigger/better units. I know this is all relative because I'm alway only competing with others within similar stat range. If I never allied with anyone, I imagine I might be at a higher level competing with others who also didn't ally. I notice this to a point though, at level 47 I do find the rare sub 100 allies enemy. Stats show more losses than wins. I no longer look at dollar amounts when I attack. I get enough Money completing missions.
Another thing I used to do when I was first starting the game, I spent all my cash before exiting the game. This increased my defense points, made me less of a target for those looking to raid/attack. I know that I can always get more cash when I start missions or attacking weaker enemies. I noticed the more I advanced the less I ran into individuals that had loads of unprotected cash. I admit, although I have only $100k protected of my $10mil+, my defenses are very healthy that i haven't lost to an attack in a while. And if I do, I lose a small unit and $0 cash. I've found that my expansion is hindered by time. I'm constantly overflowing with cash but have no property build on so I dump a lot into the best units I can afford. I end up waiting 24-48 hours for my patch of land to develop. Once it comes in, I've usually already planned how I'm going to use it. I might start out shuffling buildings to maximize defensive layout, then build my building. I see I'm nearing level to acquire the mine field, which looks like it takes up a full land patch. I've seen one person plan for this and I think it was genius. They strategically left a blank undeveloped patch, and built completely around it. Leaving room to drop a mine field in later. I'm going to try this once I settle down into a level I'm comfortable with. I'd like to eventually see some of my old foes level up to catch up with me so I can destroy them again. For those that trash talk, I might spend 4-5 hours constantly attacking them until too weak, depleted cash, and completely destroyed their entire base including defensive buildings. This really hurst the enemy because they don't get any cash until they return and rebuild. Then the timer start from the beginning again. Do this straight multiple times a day for a a few days and the trash talk stops. Although I had one foes trash talk because after completely animating her base she thought it was funny I only won $130. I was going to leave her alone until that message. I laid into her until she was no longer showing up in my news report. See, she started off as someone levels ahead of me that attacked me and took about $30k. As I advanced I past her, probably 3 fold by now, and I've only been playing a week.
Another thing I will do, if I'm drained of energy and stamina, I will leave the game to use the latrine, shower, each chow, check my email. When I come back to the game after an hour or two, I start all over again. If I'm in a time crunch I might just blindly attack and complete lower level older missions items at randon. I'll just click away until all my energy is gone again.
So, I know this is a lot, somewhat unorganized. I'm going back in for more. See you on the battlefield.

I forgot to mention, if I'm nearing the point where I level up, I try to deplete my energy and stamina and continue to use it as it replenshes a little as I approach level up. This way my level up will completely replenish my energy/stamina for free, which is worth 20/10 gold respectively. So like I mentioned earlier, I will waddle down my energy by going through old missions and completing some of those to diminish my energy to lowest possible.


I love how some think by prefacing a statement with their service/veteran status believe it makes them more credible in a particular subject. Want to compare 214's? I've served since 1987...a career soldier. With 9 combat deployments, I've seen more than my share of "war". But do I know war? NO, because no one does. I know combat. I know strategy. I know tactics. BUT this is not war, it's a game developed by eggheads sitting in an office based out of San Francisco. And the only strategy or tactics they know would be business related.

Is this me calling you out? Giving you an internet smackdown? Some sort of personal attack? No, it'd hardly be worth the time. I'm just tired of 20 something support MOS "veterans", running around claiming to experts on war. Does that describe you? Only you can answer that. All I'll say is combat may have changed in almost a year since I've been home, but I don't recall wi-fi/network coverage (outside the FOB) in any of the provinces I was deployed to. And that's ignoring the fact SOP for combat units (regardless of branch of service) is to leave personal electronics behind. Maybe you're playing from your climate controlled quarters or a squad room? Don't know...Personally, my combat pay went to paying for my homes, cars, or into my kids college fund. You know, real life stuff.


That aside, the OT is about attack/defense/raid details. Gold buying players have a distinct advantage over free players (if they bought a gold army). There's no arguing that point. BUT if you spent gold to speed up replenishment/build times? Uh, what?!? Shelling out real dollars because of impatience makes little sense and is a poor financial decision. It's something more attributable of pre-teen/teeners running up their cell bill on daddy's dime. But hey, if you earned it you're free to spend it anyway you wish. I (along with MANY others) don't see the point to doing so. Especially on a game where there is no clear WIN. Think about it...if you spent $5000 you could have an unbeatable force. BUT what's the end game? Saying you have x/y stats? Being number 'x' in a pool of 'y' players?

Some may be thinking why I play? Simple. My kids play and it's something to do when there's a few free minutes in a day/evening.
I love how some think by prefacing a statement with their service/veteran status believe it makes them more credible in a particular subject. Want to compare 214's? I've served since 1987...a career soldier. With 9 combat deployments, I've seen more than my share of "war". But do I know war? NO, because no one does. I know combat. I know strategy. I know tactics. BUT this is not war, it's a game developed by eggheads sitting in an office based out of San Francisco. And the only strategy or tactics they know would be business related.

Is this me calling you out? Giving you an internet smackdown? Some sort of personal attack? No, it'd hardly be worth the time. I'm just tired of 20 something support MOS "veterans", running around claiming to experts on war. Does that describe you? Only you can answer that. All I'll say is combat may have changed in almost a year since I've been home, but I don't recall wi-fi/network coverage (outside the FOB) in any of the provinces I was deployed to. And that's ignoring the fact SOP for combat units (regardless of branch of service) is to leave personal electronics behind. Maybe you're playing from your climate controlled quarters or a squad room? Don't know...Personally, my combat pay went to paying for my homes, cars, or into my kids college fund. You know, real life stuff.


That aside, the OT is about attack/defense/raid details. Gold buying players have a distinct advantage over free players (if they bought a gold army). There's no arguing that point. BUT if you spent gold to speed up replenishment/build times? Uh, what?!? Shelling out real dollars because of impatience makes little sense and is a poor financial decision. It's something more attributable of pre-teen/teeners running up their cell bill on daddy's dime. But hey, if you earned it you're free to spend it anyway you wish. I (along with MANY others) don't see the point to doing so. Especially on a game where there is no clear WIN. Think about it...if you spent $5000 you could have an unbeatable force. BUT what's the end game? Saying you have x/y stats? Being number 'x' in a pool of 'y' players?

Some may be thinking why I play? Simple. My kids play and it's something to do when there's a few free minutes in a day/evening.

It's all good. I'm in Afghanistan right now. Off duty, I have very little to do. I've been away from home since Oct 2010, just found this game and I'm enjoying the way I want to.
Does anyone know how to get the units that say they cost 400 or 500 valor points but there's no where to buy them. I had one appere in my inventory it's called an expert attack drone. It's a really good unit and I don't know how I got it.
I’ve been playing for about two months (Level 85, CPT (328,000 valor), 530 Allies, 14K attack, 16K defense) and I’d like to share some thoughts on tips and tactics. I’m not an expert, and these are just my observations and opinions of what I’ve experienced. This game, that really has no end, is a marathon and not a sprint. So take your time, build slowly and have fun. I’m eager to hear your comments on my tips:


a. BUILDING: Be VERY careful building your Shipyard. That’s one of the first things you’re prompted to build, but the location is tricky. The system will allow you to “expand” the land almost anywhere, but you might not have the right location where you can actually place the Shipyard. You won't know until the land is cleared, only to find you can't actually place the Shipyard at that spot, which is frustrating. I expanded three areas on shore until I found a place the Shipyard could sit. I was able to use those spots later for other things, like a Desalination Plant, but at the time it was agravating. You need an area that is about 2/3 land and 1/3 water. When you build something, look closely at the photo of the item to see how it needs to be placed (e.g., Dry Dock is similar).

b. GOALS: I usually follow the prompts to “build” this structure or “upgrade” to this level, however not always. Each time you complete one of the Goals, you get a bonus that might range from $15K to $200K. One of the early Goals is to make the Base look nicer by building four decorations. I did, then deleted them to save space for more structures. Later you’re prompted to build more decorations, which I did, and had to buy things a second time. Later still you’re asked to build 75 items. If you keep deleting items, you have to purchase them again. Also, the best thing to use for "decorations" to meet this Goal is "oil barrels". They are the cheapest thing and have a very small footprint, so you can place them in all the little gaps between buildings.

c. LAYOUT: Shove everything together tightly, like a game of Tetris. Many items have different footprints, so try to slide things around to maximize the amount of structures you can place in your base. I started trying to lay things out logically, barracks far from industrial buildings, guard towers around the perimeter, but realized that’s silly. You get no points for appearance. Just lay down as many income producing buildings as possible and make everything as densly paced as possible.

d. MONEY: You need money, LOTS OF MONEY. So your goal should be to constantly build MONEY BUILDINGS. While you’re building new structures (i..e, Oil Derrick, Storage Silo) you should also Upgrade existing facilities to increase the payout. It can get complicated to decide if you should spend X dollars to upgrade something in Y hours to get an additional Z dollars per hour, but that’s part of the fun of the game. Also, some will say to always upgrade facilities that pay out every 12-24 hours. There is some value to that train of thought. However when I play, I like to get money. So I’m happy to have my Supply Depot give me $1,440 every 5 minutes at Level 7. If I’m actively playing for an hour, it’s nice to get more money quicker. I’d rather spend $8K to upgrade my Storage Silo in eight hours to get a higher hourly payout rather than $693,000 to upgrade my Ore Mine to get $112,00 every 48 hours. There’s no right answer here, it’s just how you want to play the game.

e. VAULT: ALL MONEY SHOULD BE IN A VAULT. Always, Always, Always put your money in the Vault. Continually increase the size of your vault. It might cost $20,000 to increase your vault capacity, but you can lose that money in less than a minute if you’re attacked. You still have total access to your money, it’s just safe from being stolen. Always pay to increase your vault size. At later levels it will take over 100 hours, and you want to stay ahead of this time lag, becuase some Money Buildings cost a lot, and you dont' want to have $400,000 to $500,000 at risk if you're saving up for a $1,500,000 building and your vault is limited to $1,000,000.

f. MISSIONS: I like to do the Missions that are featured in the Goals. You Level Up quicker and get cash for each mission you complete. Also, I like to raid. But you have to be careful. Do “Raids” not “Attacks” when you’re new. Check your profile to make sure you know your “Attack” and “Defense” score. Click on small green Bull’s-eye icon, -> green Raid button, -> “Rival’s Profile” to see what their stats are. Don’t attack them if your attack score is lower than their defense score, look for someone else to Raid. With each Raid or Attack, you earn Valor Points. These are used to promote you. This is also key to increase your promotions.

g. BALANCE: Try to keep balanced in your game. Do missions, raids, building upgrades, new structures, and expanding your base. Initially, the focus needs to be on Money Buildings, but at level 85, when I see a PVT or SPC, that’s who I’ll raid. Those guys are being wiped out by everyone at level 85, I don’t see any way they can survive or grow. They are constantly being picked apart for money or units. With each raid, they loose money, units and valor points and are constantly being decimated. Don't be that guy. Do Raids and get promoted, but don't grow to fast or our of balance.


I've discovered that after 50 units of each Troop, you don’t get “credit” toward your attack or defense score. So if you have 50 scouts, you get 50 defense points, but if you have 74 scouts, you only get credit for 50. So I stop buying units at 50, and divert my money for new units. I realize that some missions might require 75 Scouts or 90 Rangers, so when I have that mission, I will buy them, but when I’m looking to spend money, I’ll slowly build up units until they reach 50 and no further.

b. DEFENSE SCORE: When I’m trying to decide which units to buy, I divide the defense score by the cost and buy the unit with the higher number. For example, a Fighter Jet (1 point / $4,000) = 0.00025 points per dollar. A Ranger costs $2,000 with 1 defense point = 0.0005. If you have $4,000, It makes more sense to buy two Rangers and get 2 defense points instead of one Jet with only 1 defense point. This helps me to economically get the largest defense score.

c. ALLIES: The more the merrier it seems. I understand that the more allies you have, the more of YOUR UNITS come into play during a raid, however I’ve read some comments that having too many allies seems to hurt you. From what I’ve seen, the only factor in how you’re seeded is your Level. I’ve seen people at Level 85 with 150 allies and with 1,500 allies. So the number of Allies doesn’t seem to be a sorting factor, only the Level. So it makes sense to me to have as many allies as possible. Instead of spending GOLD on allies, just use this website to add allies, or just copy and paste the ID# that people post in Comments. It’s just as easy to Copy/Paste in MW that to type the numbers from this Forum. With the Forum, I’ve decided to send invites to people at the end of the list, working my way backward, instead of the beginning of the list, since the people who have posted their ID# more recently are likely to be more active players.

d. ITEMS: When a new item is released (e.g., Cosmonaut Box), immedialty use any gold you have saved to open the box the first time. You are likely to be the one of the "Top 250" or even "Top 50" and the awards you get are simply insane. For 15 gold bars, you would get a "Rugged Outlander" with an A/D score of 220/347. That's an AMAZING gift for just 15 gold bars. I didn't know this, and did the "free" opening, and when the system told me I had to wait 59 minutes, but that I only needed one "gear" to be in the Top 250, I was shocked. I was hoping to wait out the 59 minute delay, but with 16 mnutes left, the count went to 2 gears. In retrospect, I should have used 15 gold, reset the timer for 15 gold, and opened another box for 15 gold, but I didn't have 30-45 gold, becuase I squandered it early or wasted it on trying to defeat a Boss.

(i.e., “Bosses” and packages) There are at least three types of special events that I’ve seen, 1) Bosses to beat, 2) Items to locate, and 3) Crates to buy. There are great benefits by collecting these items that I wasn’t aware of when I was new to Modern War, so here’s my tips:

Always fight these, even using money if necessary. Never use Gold, NEVER. There are three ways to fight the Boss, 1) a free “Quick Attack”, 2) a “Force Attack” which costs increasingly more money, and 3) a Mega Attack that costs gold. Each time you beat a Boss, you get a very valuable special troop. These troops are equivalent to those purchased with gold. They are also indestructible. So ALWAYS fight the Bosses and use both QUICK ATTACKS and FORCE ATTACKS to beat the boss. If you end up spending $20,000 to $40,000 on Force Attacks and win, you’ll get a great Gold Type Unit, and a huge amount of money as a bonus, which often exceeds what you spent. You might spend $20,000 to beat a Boss and get a unit that is similar to what would cost you 45 Gold Bars. You might have to time your attacks, doing a Quick Attack every 20 minutes so you can recover your health, to progress. I haven’t been able to defeat a Boss past the 7[SUP]th[/SUP] appearance using only money (i.e., $40,000 per Force Attack every 20 minutes). I wasted $320,000 over two hours with six attacks and the Boss didn't die before the time expired and he “escaped” so I lost my $320K. I’m not willing to use real money to buy Gold, so I’m happy with the six items I won. I've seen two or three "Bosses" so far, and I didn't take advantage of each Boss until the last round I played, becuase I didn't know how valuable the payout was.

These function like Bosses, but have a random feature. These are things like Nuclear Cores, HAZMAT Boxes, Launch Codes, etc. When you are fighting a Boss, if you defeat it, you get a Special Troop. There is a key difference with the "Items." You have to “open” the Item with one of three methods, 1) Free, 2) Pay, or 3) Gold. Only gold will open the item 100% of the time. Free seems to open the item about 10-20% of the time. Unlike a Boss however, you have to collect opened items (e.g., 2-4) to get a special troop. If you pay to open an item, you might get a troop or you might just get cash (e.g., $500,000) or you might not open the Item at all, so it's a big risk to use money to open Items. I rarely pay to open an item, unless I have lots of cash I don’t mind blowing.

c. CRATES: You can apparently buy a special crate with Gold. I’ve read that you usually get something great, but I’ve never done this. I don’t buy gold, but I collect it for free, but I’d rather just buy a Special Troop instead of buying a Crate and rolling the dice, but I'm eager to hear what experiances others have had.


can be gathered easily, but slowly. You can get 1-3 gold bars each day, just by watching short ads (10-30 seconds). At the Gold Icon, click the small + sign, then “TAP TO EARN FREE GOLD”. Often, the top item will be to view some videos (e.g., Sprint cell phone, Jack Daniels, Visa). You can also sign up for various offers. Some are free, most cost you money. I’ve signed up for a few free ones and never got the gold, so I’m over that. IGNORE those posts that say "copy and post this message on 25 boards and get..." That's just silly spam.

b. FREE MONEY: You can get free money if you “visit” allies each day. You get can get up to $25,000 each day if you visit 25 allies. Every 24 hours you can repeat this. Click the Clipboard (Lower right), then Add Allies, then My Allies, then the red “VISIT” button. Just work your way down the list. Visiting up to 25 people. It’s a bit tedious, taking about 4-5 minutes to do this process 25 times, but it’s free money! While you’re visiting people, take some time to look at their Bases and get some ideas of how to set up your base.

c. DON'T WASTE GOLD: Don't use gold trying to defeat a Boss, buy a Medical Pack, upgrade a building early, restore your Stamina, etc. Just be patient and in a few weeks, you can buy a cool Special Troop that’s indestructible. Collect your gold slowly. I wasted it initially becuase I didn't know you could collect free gold, so learn from my mistakes. You get FREE GOLD when you are promoted from PVT to SPC to CPL. That’s 15 gold bars. At SGT and above, you get cash and special troops. So turn that initial 15 bars into something of lasting value.

I hope you found these tips helpful. If you appreciated this information, feel free to add me as an Ally. My ID# is 968-554-392.
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Question for Logan

I have determined that some units do not count towards your attack scores and do not go with you during raids/attacks. The units with 0 attack don't go, same with some other units...for instance I have never seen a medic listed in the battle results. So you need to adjust your calculations to take more troops, but make sure they have offensive power.

I have a question for you man, hopefully you could reply. Do you know if more expensive units you buy will eventually die away after a certain amount of fights? Because that would really suck if the 100k cash I just spent on a unit will be wasted if he dies. Thanks
I have a question for you man, hopefully you could reply. Do you know if more expensive units you buy will eventually die away after a certain amount of fights? Because that would really suck if the 100k cash I just spent on a unit will be wasted if he dies. Thanks

I don't think units "die" after so many fights, however expensive units DO die at seemingly random times. For example, if I have 50 Rangers ($2,000 each), 10 Medics ($18,000 each) and 2 Commandos ($85,000 each), I've been shocked to see that I might win an Attack or Raid but still lose a unit or two, and sometimes it's my $85,000 Commando. I'm at level 85, and I won't raid anything that doesn’t' give me a HIGH PAYOUT because the risk of losing expensive units is so high. I think it might be due to how individual units match up during each battle. The best things to raid are things that pay the most money to you, so look for things like Munition's Stockpile, Military Market, and Windfarms at the beginning. Later, Oil Refinaries ($100K)and Oil Rigs ($175K) have big payouts, as well as Military Markets (> Level 6), Steel Mills (> Level 6).

As you build out your Army, build all your least expensive units first, up to 50 each group, then move up to the next expensive unit. If you have $18,000 to spend, buy 18 Scouts instead of 1 Medic. The reason is two fold. First, if you lose a Scout, it's only a $1,000 loss and second, you get 18 defense points with 18 Scouts vs. 10 defense points with 1 Medic.
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Does anyone know how to get the units that say they cost 400 or 500 valor points but there's no where to buy them. I had one appere in my inventory it's called an expert attack drone. It's a really good unit and I don't know how I got it.

It's a reward for completing the Lieutenant rank (110K BP's). Next time you're looking at the rivals list, tap on "Rankings" then the arrow button for each rank to see what valor units unlock.
I have a question for you man, hopefully you could reply. Do you know if more expensive units you buy will eventually die away after a certain amount of fights? Because that would really suck if the 100k cash I just spent on a unit will be wasted if he dies. Thanks

The game does not keep track of how many battles each individual unit is put through, so the simple answer is no there is not a limit before something is lost. Every unit is assigned a "Casualty Rate" (High, Medium, Low or indestructable) that is coded into the program. All losses are random based on casualty rate, attack/defense skill, and boost bonus (if any).
I've heard there are people called "Whales" who can attack anyone once you reach a certain level? I just found out this is true, I’m just shocked to hear that Funzio allows this to happen. I'm at level 92 with an Attack/Defense score of 16K/18K and was just attacked by someone from level 194 (Spartan-Stars) who an attack/defense score of 81K/86. Seems like a pretty lame game, to allow this to happen. In the past, you could only attack people who were within 2-3 levels of you, so that seemed fair. You had the opportunity to build your army and your base and competed on a somewhat level field, based on choices you made.

BTW, this guy has almost every Gold Facility you can buy (Coal Mine (x2), Diamond Mine (x2), Geothermal Plant (x2), Water Treatment Plant (x2), Bio Dome (x2) Solar Array (x2), Composite Factory) as well as a ton of Gold Units. So either he's one of the game designers or he's spend hundreds of dollars to play this "game". I can see my interest waning in this game.
I've been able to save up gold doing free things. And I was wondering if I buy a gold building does it require gold to level it up or cash?
Peeples said:
I've been able to save up gold doing free things. And I was wondering if I buy a gold building does it require gold to level it up or cash?

That's a good question. I don't know the answer to that because I'm smart and don't waste real life money on a phone app. I don't know how people can go and spend $100 on an app. Anyway if I could take a guess I'd say after buying a building with gold, you would probably upgrade it using money, not gold. But I'm not too sure on that
Gold Buildings upgrade with money, not Gold, at least for the Composite Building. I saved up enough free gold for the Composite Building and it was only $90K to increse the defense from 2% to 4%. Upgrading from 4% to 6% costs $277K.

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