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Modern war factions

World Domination RANK 166 Faction Recruiting

304 343 609 - Faction Code
Health Regen +18%
Infantry Defense +20%
Ground Defense +20%
Air Defense +15%
Sea Defense +10%
Building Defense +25%
Building Output +10%
Guild Member Increase +16
Current Strength 34/36 (2 spots open)

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Last chance to join a top ten faction in greennland and receive the rewards associated. If you intend on spending gold and want it to buy something PM me soon. we have one spot for a serious player that wants to join a great group.
Looking for a strong member to join faction that placed 338th in last war. $500K - $1million donations are a requirement daily. also forum participation is a must.

Invite Code 762891473
if you haven't already joined a faction we could use a member like you. Our faction took 338th last war. Our forum is active and we need NOT require the purchase of gold. If interested our invite code is 762891473
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Join our faction and give the others a Smack in the Mouth! After cutting our non-productive members we still have 2 spots open for daily players. Over 20 upgrades and counting!
You got room for one more? Level 143, 54 attack, 53k defense, IPH 781k. Thanks

World Domination RANK 166 Faction Recruiting

304 343 609 - Faction Code
Health Regen +18%
Infantry Defense +20%
Ground Defense +15%
Air Defense +10%
Sea Defense +10%
Building Defense +25%
Building Output +10%
Guild Member Increase +16
Current Strength 34/36 (⚠ 2 spots open ⚠)
Join my faction Green Demons i am lvl60 attack over 23k income 265k only 6 members so far so need more and 3 bonus's.

All welcome. Only requirement is to donate when you can for the good of all!

ID 856-027-017
You got room for one more? Level 143, 54 attack, 53k defense, IPH 781k. Thanks

we are in need of a heavy weight, defendse and attack above 25k
will also be kicking of non participating members

please join USNavy 358_575_118

infantry defense +10%
ground defense +5%
building defense +10
guild member increase +2
Gold players wanted.

Are you with a faction and one of the only few spending money using gold? The lost souls are looking for gold players to join others who use gold during wars. We have been top 25 for last 4 events want to form an elite crew that are all willing to spend. Alliance I.D is 936 538 707. Great bunch of guys from all over the globe.
Looking for a loyal member to join top 500 faction.
-have 21 bonuses already
-war and forum participation is a must
-NO gold requirement
-500K minimum in donations is required daily
please reach out to leader if accepted
invite code is:
762 891 473
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What are your requirements? I am very dedicated and growing fast. My current stats are 55 Alliance with 6983 Atk / 8110 Def & $156753 /hr income. I have kept my alliance small to grow quickly without being attacked. I am an officer in my current faction (Ranked 1128), and a strong performer with consistent event attendance. I am also active in chat and donate as much as possible (Usually ~500k /day). I'm looking for a stronger faction to join, and hope it can be with you, thanks!

Archer Sterling
ID#: 724467282

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