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Modern war factions

FACTION: 887 933 393

Strong faction looking for strong new members since we just cleared out the riff raff. We were in top 1000 in last event and we were closing on on top 100 which we can accomplish with a few more strong active members. Must be willing to donate regularly, remain active (will be kicked if you don't regularly post/donate), and must have attack/defense of at least 20K each. So if you aren't in a faction or are under appreciated in your current faction, come on over and join a good group of members. If you meet the requirements above, have requested to join our faction but the request hasn't been approved, PM me and I'll make sure you get in.

Current stats:
Health Regen: +14%
Infantry Defense: +10%
Ground Defense: +5%
Air Defense: +5%
Sea Defense: +5%
Building Defense: +25%
Guild Member Increase: +12

Hurry! Only a few days before the next big battle!
jomal4 said:
NEED Faction that will place before Greenland starts!!! I'm already level 29 and only started playing 3 days ago. I'm addicted, will contribute, and fight A LOT! I have beaten the Arctic Drillers 15 times and have many higher level units. I raid and attack constantly and can donate a ton of money and concrete!

Send Invite - Remove me if you decide I'm not what you're looking for (at your own loss of course). 342-609-707 trust me, I will rank up fast and be able to contribute consistently.

Our faction is growing nicely but we need more members, please join us 484 162 700 BOTTOM KICKERS, add me to your allies leave your ID on my comments wall and I will invite you to our faction,my alliance id is
295 298 724
Top 1000 Faction Recruiting

Are you still without a faction? Are you looking to change your faction? Do you need a real challenge?

If the answer is yes, please join our faction - Slovenian Forces - 171-171-953

Our bonuses:
- Health Regen +14%
- Infantry Defense +20%
- Ground Defense +10%
- Air Defense +5%
- Building Defense +20%
- Guild Increase +8

With the ammount of donations we buy a bonus almost every day

At the moment we have one open slot. We need a strong daily player, who is willing to participate with donations and other daily faction activities. The members are from all around, mostly Europe and North America. We have a good coordination system and a lot of true gamers. If you think that you can take this challenge please PM me and I will give all the informations you want!
Top 500 Faction Recruiting

Army of Darkness is recruiting three players. We had lots of fun in the last battle and are preparing for Greenland. You don’t need to have crazy stats to join as our requirements are only that you have more than 200 allies and that plan to be active during the battle.

If interested apply to faction 575 833 204.

Current Bonuses are:

Health Regen: +14%
Infantry Defense: +15%
Ground Defense: +5%
Building Defense: +20%
[FONT=&quot]Guild Member Increase: +8[/FONT]
Top 500 Faction Recruiting

Army of Darkness is recruiting three players. We had lots of fun in the last battle and are preparing for Greenland. You don’t need to have crazy stats to join as our requirements are only that you have more than 200 allies and that plan to be active during the battle.

If interested apply to faction 575 833 204.

Current Bonuses are:

Health Regen: +14%
Infantry Defense: +15%
Ground Defense: +5%
Building Defense: +20%
[FONT=&amp]Guild Member Increase: +8[/FONT]

Hello I'd like to join your faction to help aid in the battle for Greenland. I'm not a super high lvl but I'm a daily player (more like hourly) and can easily meet the 200 allies if it's 100% necessary. I'm lvl 21 and have 225 wins and only 79 losses. My friend code is 794 515 954. Please consider my application!
Looking for a faction? Looking for a better faction? We are ranked 363 in world domination. We are aiming for a top 100 in the battle for Greenland. We would have done better but we had 4 empty spots due to the Gree ghost member problem. We also had a couple of non playing members that have been replaced. We have one spot open due to a member leaving and could have another open soon due to non donations. We are looking for a strong daily player level 100+. If you are close to 100 and have great stats, give it a shot. Yes we have a lot of bonuses.
Rudedudes 655-452-543

Willing to join a faction never did before; lvl 142 Att 67k def 64k (and growing).
Can donate 1 or 2M a day.
Modern War Fraction Team Delta Force Recruitment

Hello Gamers.

Team Delta Force Placed 23rd in Battle For Brazil and 19th in the last PVP. We have excellent Boosts and membership.

We are currently recruiting a select few. If you have a strong commitment to being a team player that wants to have fun yet experience constant growth in a family type atmosphere than please enter the following fraction code:910939475 in the fraction search.

Thank you and happy gaming!
Up and coming faction looking for active members

26 members
+5 health regeneration
+ 15 infantry Defense
+5 building Defense

Leader has gone from level 117 to 137 since the beginning of the battle of brazil. Other members have shown similar comitment to improving the faction.

Looking for members who are willing to fight and put your money in!

Faction: The Mongol Horde: 171 969 730

Leader: genghois: 508 603 713
Invite code 433 364 230
Up and coming fraction looking for new active members

Health \regen +5%
Infantry Defence +10%
Ground Defence +5%
AirDefence +5%
Building Defence +10%
Guild Member Increase +4

We expect regular donations from all members.

Invite code 433 364 230
Join us!
Need daily players!

Need daily players (A/D 20K) to battle with us in the Mass Destruction faction
Join us.
Many bonus await you to make you and us stronger.

Faction Leader: Schizo
Number of slots: 32
Health Regen: 9%
Infantry Defense: 10%
Ground Defense: 5%
Building Defense: 20%
Building output: 5%

We are actually recruiting 4 new daily players.
Come and apply!
FACTION ID: 918328052
World Domination RANK 166 Faction Recruiting

304 343 609 - Faction Code
Health Regen +18%
Infantry Defense +20%
Ground Defense +15%
Air Defense +10%
Sea Defense +10%
Building Defense +25%
Building Output +10%
Guild Member Increase +16
Current Strength 34/36 (⚠ 2 spots open ⚠)


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Join Pulp Faction!!! We have cut our dead weight in preparation for Greenland battle, and have 6 open spots! I am the leader of the faction with 120k attack and 132k defense and an iph of 600k. Health regeneration +19, building defense +25, guild increase +14, infantry defense +20, ground defense +10, air defense +10, cash output +5. Active and strong members only! We are just outside of the top 100 factions and are moving up since cutting the inactive members! Faction code is 110058554, please post in the forum if accepted!
Lvl 9 Looking for active faction

I know im a low level but im looking for an active faction who partakes in events. I believe that i am doing very well for only being a lvl 9. I just startes playing today and havent put my phone down since i downloaded the app. I will be playing every day. My id # is 447-150-597. My stats are as follows.
Missions completed:104

I believe i am doing well for a lvl9 please feel free to send faction invites to me in game or through here. Thank you

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